My brother's bestfriend ( ch-2)

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Jungkook's pov:

It didn't take long for me to secure the penthouse and all but drag taehyung into the luxurious suite. I was so fucking hard my cock almost punched a hole through my pants ,and the images I had running through my mind ..

Fuck. I was going to destroy him but the moment he'd uttered those word, maybe I like those things too..' my blood roared at the memory.

Baby you've no idea what you got yourself into, i thought, shutting the door behind me. Taehyung stood in the middle of the bedroom, wearing a t-shirt over his swimsuit and a half nervous expression.with his puppy eyes and innocent features,he resembled a sacrificial virgin awaiting defilement.

My cock throbbed harder. "Take off your clothes," I said. My soft voice a whip crack in the silence.

Part of me wanted to bury myself deep inside him as soon as possible, the other part wanted to savor every moment.

Despite a slight Shake in his hands, taehyung didn't hesitate. He kept his eyes trained on mine as he take off his tshirt. The swimsuit went next, sliding down inch by torturous inch until a master piece of bare golden flesh unveiled itself.

I devoured him with my eyes, taking in every detail and imprinting it in my mind. His honey skin glowing beneath the suite's dim lights,and his body...fuck.. Round ass, long legs,the sweetest Little pussy,and perky tits _not big but enough for a handful and tipped with hard nipples that were perfect for sucking and nibbling. His chest rose and fell with every breath,and he started at me with nothing but trust in those big brown eyes.

Oh, sweetheart if you only knew .

I circled him, a predator toying with its prey,so close i could smell the tang of his arousal. I stopped behind him and pressed my body against him until he could feel my angry steel hard erection the soft curve of his ass.

I pressed my lips to his neck, enjoying the rapid flutter of his pulse beneath my mouth.
"You want me to take you sweetheart?" I murmured.
"Ruin you,pound you into a pathetic mess,turn you into my little fuck doll?"

A whimper escaped his mouth and shoot straight to my groin , hardening my already aching cock.

"You say yes so easily " i licked the hollow between his neck and lower jaw.

"But do you know what it means to be taken by me?"

Taehyung shook his head a quick,small movement that underscored his innocence and naivete.
Not for much longer.
Once I got my hands on him, he'd be filthy. But he'll be mine. And I was selfish and cruel enough that I'd take him with me.

"It means you're mine. Your mouth is mine..." I rubbed my thumb over his bottom lip before trailing it down his chest and pinching his nipples. He moaned. "Your breast are mine.." i drifted lower, adjusting my position so I could squeeze his ass hard. "Your ass is mine.." i reached around and parted his thighs, sliding my fingers past his slippery folds. He was so wet they were drenched within seconds. "And your pussy is mine. Every inch of you belongs to me ,and if you ever let another person touch you__" my other hand closed around his throat. "They'll end up in pieces and you'll end up tied to my bed and fucked in every hole until my name is the only one you remember. Get that into your fucking mind".

His cunt clenched around my fingers.
"Say it. Who do you belong to?"

" You" taehyung whisperd. "I belong to you.".

"That's right." I slipped my fingers out of his pussy and thrust into his mouth. I hummed in approval when he sucked and licked his own juices off without my asking .
"Do you taste that sweetheart? That's the taste of you sighing your life away.because from now on I own you ."

Another moan, this one even more eager than the last. I released my hold on him. "Get on your knees."
He sank to the floor,so beautiful it made my chest hurt and my cock thorb. I fisted his hair until he started straight up at me."if it gets to be too much,tao my thigh". When he nodded,i ordered," open your pretty mouth."

I slipped the head of my cock into his waiting mouth, slowly pushing deeper until I buried all the way down him throat.

"Fuck." The sensation of his mouth engulfing me was so hot a shudder rippled through my entire body,and I almost shot my load right there. I hadn't done that since I was a teenager having sex for the first time.

Taehyung blinked up at me, his eyes watering from my size and how deep I was,but he didn't tap out, so I stayed still while he adjusted. After what felt like an eternity but he was in actuality a few seconds,he started licking and sucky__slowly at first,but quickly building up to a rhythm that had his head bobbing his head up and down with enthusiasm.My other hand shot to the back of his head,and my abs shook from the effort not to come down his throat before I was ready. " That's it," I growled. "Suck that cock like a good little whore."

The vibrations from him ensuing moan travelled all the way up my spine. I started thrusting into him, faster and faster until the only sounds were that of my ragged breathes, flesh slapping against flesh, and the gurgles coming from his throat. I was so rough I half expected him to finnally tap out,but he never did.

I pulled out at the last second and came all over his face and chest,the thick white streaks coating his skin in a glistening sheen. My orgasm burned through me,wild and hot,razing any lingering doubts that stood in it's way,and I watched my cum drip off taehyung 's chin with possesive,lust filled eyes.


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