My (step) brother 💋-end

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Jungkook's pov:

"It's a yes or no,tell me"I growled."Who do you think about when you're finger your pusssy?"

Taehyung shuddered as his head tilted back and his eyes flutterd closed."You."

He moaned.
I climbed to the bed and grasped his chin one hand, forcing him to meet my gaze."What I was doing to you?"

"Fucking me,"he gasped. I was close enough to smell his arousal. "While you bent me over and taking me from behind, filling with you load in my filthy cunt."

Fuck. I was already close to blowing my load in my pant.
"You've got a filthy mouth princess"I gripped his wrist and he whined in protest.
I could tell he was about to come but tonight all his orgasam belonged to me.

I pushed him down on the bed and pinned his wrist above his head."What are you doing?" Worried filled in taehyung's face.

"Making sure I can take my sweet time with you princess.

I captured his mouth in another kiss before moving my way down his neck, collarbones. When I reached his brey,I licked and sucked on his nipples until he was panting and trying to remove my mouth.

I tugged gentley on his nipple with my teeth while I entered one finger inside him then two streching him out.

A groan left out my throat."You're drenched."

"Please." Taehyung's skin was hot to touch.

"What you want sweetheart?" I kissed way down his stomach until I reached his pusssy. I pushed my fingers deeper inside him before I dragged them out then thrust them in again.

"I need to come,"he moaned."Jungkook please."

"You'll come, princess. But not until I say you can."
I lowered my head and gently scraped my tongue over his clit then I sucked on it. Between that the finger fucking,he was dripping all down his thighs.
"So fucking delicious"I whispered. I'd never been addicted to anything but I was addicted to taste his pusssy.

Taehyung ground against my face,his movements and desparate and pleading grew louder while I ate him out.

I finally pressing my thumb against his clit and curling my fingers until they hit the spot that would make him shatter.

"Come." I ordered.
The word barely left my mouth before taehyung arched off the bed with a sharp cry. He came so long and hard it took a good few minutes.

I stroked the faint red marks where the strings had dug into his skin.
Taehyung lay in a boneless heap on the bed but when I moved to get off the bed he stopped me.

"You're hard." He said. I sucked in a breath when his fingers brushed against me.

"You don't have to do anything, I'll take care of that."
"Then let me take care of that for you."He pulled down my pants his eyes widening as he took in my size.

"Tae.." my protest morphed into a groan when he wrapped his hands around me.

He flicked his tongue over the head of my cock and lapped up the beads of pre-cum before he took me fully in his mouth.
I didn't respond. I couldn't.
Everything had ceased to exist expect for his warmth around my cock,and I was pretty sure heaven itself couldn't feel better than this.

So fucking beautiful.

He tried to fit all of me down his throat, but I was too long on the angle too awkward. He let out a small muffled sound.

"Tell me if it's too much." I slid the tip of my cock across his lips before I nudged it into his mouth. I let him adjust my size until blissfully I'm buried all the way down his throat.

Taehyung choked and sputtered,his eyes welling with tears and I pulled out until just the tip remained.
"Too much?"

He shook his head,his eyes dark and eager and I pushed myself inside him again with a groan.

We worked up to a rhythm slowly at first then faster as he got more comfortable. Tae's sputters gradually eased, replaced with moans that send tiny vibrations shooting up my cock and he reached down to finger himself.

"That's it,"I growled. "Take every inch down your throat like a good boy."

My orgasm slammed into me like fireworks and exploded behind my eyes. I pulled out at the last minute and covering his chest with thick cum.

By the time I finished taehyung had came again too and the sounds of our ragged breath mixed with the heavy scent of sex in the air.

"Wow." He blinked, looking like a lost puppy.

I laughed,my head both of them still buzzing.

"I should be the one saying that " I gave him a quick kiss before I scooped him up from the bed and carried him into the bathroom. "Let's get you clean darling."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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