ex with benefits (ch-2)

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3rd person pov:

   Jungkook grasped the backs of tae's thighs and wrapped his legs around his waist, never taking his mouth off tae's as he navigated them toward the bedroom. Taehyung would've been impressed by his deft multitasking, except his mind has gone hazy and he couldn't focus on anything except the throbbing in his core and the shape of his hard nipples against his bra.

God,it really had been too long since he'd had sex. Taehyung could hardly remember the times when he couldn't orgasm with a guy,not even Jungkook because he was this close to combusting,and they hadn't even taken their clothes off.

“Wait,” he gasped right before Jungkook lowered him on the bed.
“No sheets.”
  The contractors assembled the bed this morning,but taehyung hadn't had time to dress it up yet.

“Fuck the sheets.” Jungkook nipped at his back, swirling his tongue over his needy flesh. This time,a moan did escape his mouth. “We'll deal with it later.”

Taehyung was tempted,but....“This is a $10,000 mattress.”
“$10,000?” His shock rippled down his spine. “That's obscene.”
   “You signed off on it.” taehyung had presented him with a detailed list of his suggested furnishings for the apartment, with their prices, before he ordered anything.

“Don't take this the wrong way.” Jungkook's fingers skimmed the edge of tae's panties, which were already drenched with arousal.“But I don't want to talk about furniture right now.”

Taehyung muffled his laugh against Jungkook's skin.“Bathroom” he ordered. He may be so turned on he couldn't breathe right now,but he wasn't so crazy he'd ruin a brand new mattress.

He didn't have to ask twice. Jungkook picked him up and carried him into the bathroom,his fingers tugging impatiently at the zipper of tae's dress as he did so. He waited until the black silk pooled on the floor before he set tae on the counter and he'd himself of his shirt and Jeans.

  Taehyung sucked in a sharp inhale. God,he was beautiful. No matter how many time's tae saw jungkook,he couldn't get over it. Broad shoulders tapering down to a flat stomach and thin waist,long powerful legs and sleek muscles encased in golden skin,not to mention thick bulge behind his black Calvin Klein briefs.

A lazy smile crossed Jungkook's face as he drank in tae's unabashed appreciation. “Like what you see?” he draweld. Confidence seeped from every pore, mixing with raw sensuality and potent masculinity to create an irresistible cocktail that taehyung lapped up like a kitten with cream.
       “Very much.” Taehyung ran his hand over Jungkook's chest, reveling in his warm strength. He could feel the erratic rhythm of kook's  heart beneath his fingertips. “But I'd like it better if you took those briefs off.”

There'd been a time when saying such thing out loud would've mortified him,but he wasn't a boy anymore. He was a man who knew what he wanted,and he wanted jungkook.

Jungkook chuckled. “Soon, but first I want to feast.”

He unclasped tae's bra and tossed it to the side without so much as a glance. He palmed his breast nd rubbed his thumb over tae's sensitive nipple. Sending a jolt of heat through his belly. He lowerd his head to other nipple, sucking and licking and blowing cool air on the warm, sensitive skin.

   Taehyung arched into him, wrapping his legs around Jungkook's waist once more and drawing him closer until his erection rested against his most sensitive flesh. He braced himself on the counter and ground against Jungkook with abandon, desparate for the one thing on Jungkook could give him, while he devoured tae's breasts. His body was a live wire, dancing with a thousand nerve endings on the verge of exploding.Jungkook kissed his way down tae's stomach and hooked his fingers the waistband of his panties. Tae's legs quivered in anticipation,but there was one thing taehyung needed to clarify before he lost his sences altogether.

“Jungkook”. His name came out as a breathy whisper. He looked up at tae,his eyes glittering with lust. “This is just sex.” taehyung needed him to understand that. This was their one night. Nothing more , nothing else. Another emotion swirled behind those eyes but he blinked,it was gone.

“I know.”
Then Jungkook yanked tae's panties down his legs, dipped his head and proceeded to make his goddamned mind.

Jungkook couldn't hide his self-satisfied grin as taehyung bucked against his face,his moans growing so loud they rattled the new bathroom windows. He slid his tongue between tae's folds and savourd his sweet,musky taste. It was an aphrodisiac,made just for him and he couldn't get enough. A sweet swirl,a drag of his teeth,a flick of his tongue. Each action resulted in a noise that sent flames of lust racing through his veins and straight to his dick.

Taehyung gripped the counter with one hand and grasped his hair with other, pulling so hard it hurt but the pain only made him want him more . His panting groans grew in length and intensity. The muscles in tae's thighs stiffened and he new tae was about to explode. Jungkook considered prolonging his orgasm, pulling back and bringing him to the edge and pulling back again until tae begged him to let him come,but he was so hard he might shatter if he didn't bury himself inside tae in the next one  minutes.

He drew tae's clit into his mouth once more and sucked hard, flicking his tongue over the tender bud as did so,while he slammed his fingers deep inside tae's cunt until they reached his sweet spot. Taehyung screamed a wild, breathless scream and that reverberated through the bathroom and sang through Jungkook like the world's most erotic symphony. His hips bucked against his face,over and over,as his orgasm quacked through him. Tae thrashed so hard jungkook had to pull his fingers out of his dipping core and pin his hips down with both hands lest he slid off the counter.

Well that's for today...🌚
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And ignore the mistakes. Good night 🌃💜💜

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