Ex with benefits (ch-1)

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Taehyung is an interior designer and jungkook is a businessman. Both used to date in college life for some reason they got separated, now they are each other's EX's.One day, his close friend yoongi hires taehyung(best interior designer)to design jungkook's apartment. And after the first  meeting, when taehyung sees jungkook that he is in love with him once, he rejects the offer.Because he doesn't want to have any kind of connection with Jungkook. After thinking a lot, he saw that there is no point in running away like that, they could have become friends with each other.otherwise, unfortunately Taehyung had no choice but to do the job because he needed the money..
Let's began _____

3rd person pov:

Taehyung's heels clicked against the marble floor as he strode toward the elevator bank in Jungkook's building. The contractors finished the floors and tiling last week,and he'd hired a company to move the items from the storage unit into the apartment to he could start his favourite part of the design process: arranging the furniture and decor and bringing his vision to life.

    The elevator dinged on the twentieth floor. Earlier that day, he'd overseen the assembly and arranging of the large furniture items _the sofa,the bed, dining table before he ducked out for a quick dinner,but he wanted to double -check everything before he wrapped up today so he could jump right into work tomorrow.

Taehyung finished the spare key Jungkook had given him to use for the duration of the project out of his purse and let himself in.The appartment smelled of new furniture and lemon scented wood polish.

     Jungkook had decamped to a nearby hotel while he waited for the project to finish,so taehyung hadn't seen him at all during his comings and goings.He brushed away the niggle of disappointment in his stomach and focused on the task at hand.

He was so engrossed in examining the furniture he didn't hear Jungkook's bedroom door open.
“Its looking good”.
Taehyung screamed and spun around while picking up the nearest item that could double as a weapon __a white ceramic vase with navy blue coral design,to be exact. His heart slammed against his sternum as panic crushed over his in waves.

  Three years of living in Seoul and he had yet to be mugged or accosted in any way but taehyung wasn't about to go down without a fight.

“Whoaa! Don't shoot”. The person held up their hands,and the fog of adrenaline cleared enough for taehyung to notice the familiar head and knife-sharp jawlines.

He lowerd the vase, waiting for his pulse to return to normal before he hissed,“You scared me. What are you doing here?”

Taehyung caught a shadow of Jungkook's smile before they disappeared.“Its my appartment.”
     “I thought you were staying in a hotel.”
“I am. I came to pick up more clothes.” Jungkook gestured at the black bag sitting at his feet. “Turns out, I'm not a great packer.”

“Jeon Jungkook admitting he's not great at something? That's a first.”

“I have more than enough redeeming qualities to make up first.”

Tae's mouth tilted up into a smile. Then he remembered what happened between them and the smile disappeared.

Jungkook watched his guarded eyes, “ the apartment does look good. I will we had planned out so the world could see it.”

Taehyung swallowed the lump of disappointment in his throat. Hundreds of job applications and not one follow up, not even from the small design firms. Seoul was a tough job market,but he had a stellar resume.

The earnings from Jungkook's project would tide him over for a while,but if he didn't find stable employment soon, he'd be saying goodbye to Seoul and hello to Daegu smog in less than a year.

    “Thanks.” Taehyung shoved his his rising panic into his deal-with-it-later box. “Its not done yet. Give me another week. I just came by double check everything before I leave for the night.”

“You don't have to rush now”.

Silence descended, Taehyung rubbed his thumb over his pendant seeking comfort in its cool familiarity.The curiosity burned his from the inside out,and it wasn't like things could get any more awkward between him and Jungkook.

“We should talk about what happened between us in past ” Jungkook stepped closer.

Run tae's sensible self warned,but something glued his feet in place. Running wouldn't do his any good, anyway. Jungkook was a black hole ,a raw force so powerful he could suck him in whether he was four feet away.

“There's nothing to talk about.” Taehyung focused on Jungkook's jaw instead of his intense eyes. It was strong and square , covered by a light layer of stubble that made him look even more like a Calvin Klein model than usual.

“I disagree,” Jungkook said smoothly.
“Too bad.”

His lips quirked up in a smile and sent the butterflies in his stomach in a tizzy.
Butterflies , Taehyung decided,fuck it.

He turned to leave but didn't make it two steps before jungkook was behind him,his scent filling his nostrils and his breath brushing his ear. “Can we take one step closer ”? His voice threaded itself around him like a long sensuous ribbon.

Jungkook didn't touch him,but tae could feel him all around him. His touch on his skin,his taste on his lips,his muscles rippling beneath his hands as he thrust himself into him. Fantasies so Vivid they blurred the line between dream and reality.

Taehyung fought back a moan “Yes”.

They both knew what steps they're taking about. It would've been disingenuous to pretend otherwise.

The word barely left Taehyung's mouth before Jungkook spun him around his lips crashed against tae's. Taehyung reacted instinctively. He locked his arms around his neck and pressed himself flush against Jungkook. His soft curves slid into the hard,lean lines of Jungkook's body as easily as pieces in a puzzle. It was as if they were made for each other.

  A part of Taehyung wondered if he was making the right choice. Another,much larger part didn't care, because he couldn't stand it anymore. The knot of frustration inside him waiting to burst,the tension that threaded him to jungkook, ensuring he was on his mind even if he wasn't in his presence; the promise of the new things he could do to him. Tae's body responded to jungkook in a way it never had for anyone else,and taehyung was sick of denying himself the pleasure of being back in his arms.

It's just sex.

Hello guys!
It's the chapter one
I'll update later next part. Hope you'll like it ,let me know 💜💜💜

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