Chapter 13 ~ time out ~

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Narong woke a few hours later and saw that Nakhun was still asleep so he carefully slid out of bed and pulled on his jeans before walking into the bathroom to relieve himself then wash his hands.

Coming back through to the bedroom he stood for a while gazing down at his mate then he quietly left the room to head to the kitchen where he found his mother,

"hey mum, where's dad?"

"he's gone to the office dear, he's been neglecting it a little just lately with everything that's been going on, it's not like the place can't run without him but still, he should show his face" she replied.

"mmm, maybe I should too, it's been a few days but how can we even think about that when all this is going on"

"I know dear, how is Nakhun?" she asked

"he was asleep when I left him, before that he was really depressed, I don't know what I can do to help him mum?"

"none of us do dear, all we can do is be there for him and try to figure out what this deity is trying to convey to us"

"deity, you mean like a god?" Narong asked.

"well, he was the lord of the animals dear, an incarnation of the lord Shiva himself and it must be pretty important for him to be trying to communicate to us"

"I wonder ... " Narong was thinking out loud

"what? ... you can't say that and leave me hanging son"

"did you know that Nakhun can project his wolf's image into a mirror?" Narong asked his mother.

"no I didn't, is that even a thing?" she replied.

"it is now and I've seen him doing it, it's surreal and very cool" Narong said.

"but what is it that you were wondering?" she asked.

"well, as the full moon begins to wane and Tulsi loses his energy to be able to manifest again, what if Nakhun could project his image into a mirror the same as his wolf? what if he can communicate with him one on one and ask him directly what he is trying to tell us?" Narong said.

"wow, do you think he could? do you think he would be willing to even try?" she asked her son.

"I don't know mum but it's the only way we can try and find out what all this is about, I'm also going to hire a private investigator to track down Nakhun's real parents and try to find out what happened to them but I don't think it will be pertinent to what is happening right now"

"in the meantime, Nakhun needs to to spend the next three and a half weeks learning how to control his wolf so that when the next full moon comes he'll be ready, when he wakes up I'll take him to the lake, I think he'll like it there"

"where?" a voice called from the doorway.

"hey puppy, did you have a nice nap?" Narong said.

"I woke up and you were gone" Nakhun pouted.

"I know, I'm sorry but I needed to use the bathroom and I didn't want to disturb you by climbing back into bed"

"so, you were saying that you thought I would like it somewhere?" Nakhun prompted.

"yes, we have a large lake, it's very scenic there, I thought we could shift and go for a run so you can practice" Narong suggested.

"do I have to?" Nakhun looked down.

"of course you don't have to puppy but like it or not, your wolf isn't going to go away especially now he's had a taste of freedom, he'll only take matter's into his own paws on the next full moon and you won't be able to control him because you didn't practice" Narong said

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