Chapter 2 ~ scented ~

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Nakhun glared at the biker clad in black leather and denim, why wasn't he leaving? 

"look, I won't tell you again, if you can't behave like decent human beings then get outside" Nakhun spat.   

"oh if you only fuckin' knew bro" one of the bikers said as he walked past him to the exit.

"such an angry guy" Narong smiled, he could sense that his wolf didn't want to leave.

"you call this angry? you haven't seen anything yet" Nakhun replied.

Narong moved closer to the handsome barman and leaned in to speak to him, he was shocked for a moment as the scents of basil and lavender assailed his nasal passages. His wolf wanted to lick the guy's neck and sniff him and it was difficult to keep him in check.

His pants became uncomfortably tight as his member hardened and he could feel his fangs piercing his tongue so he spoke while he still had the ability,

"ok I'll leave for now but I promise you, I'll see you again baby" Narong said quickly, he had to get out of here before his wolf took over and ravaged the guy.

Walking outside he met the gazes of his friends and they all laughed but deep down, Narong felt shaken, his wolf was trying to make him go back inside and he was getting a headache with the pressure of trying to control his body to stop it from shifting.

"it looks like you lost the bet Naro' I don't think you stand a chance with him, he's fuckin' cute though I might have a go myself" one of the guys said.

Narong couldn't help the snarl that left his lips at the other guy calling his Nakhun cute and tiny beads of perspiration formed  as he struggled to remain in control.

His best friend noticed and placing his glass down he went over to help support Narong,

"are you ok bro?" 

"I don't know, I'm ... I can't control my ... shiyaa, get me out of here quick" Narong said.

"can you guys bring his bike back to the pack house" his friend called out so one of them phoned his brother to bring someone to ride the bike back.

Narong was finding it difficult to breath as he climbed onto the back of his friends bike, his wolf was howling to go back inside the bar and he felt as if he was going crazy, his headache was turning into a migraine.

His friend took off at speed and they had to travel for a good few miles before his wolf stopped howling and began mewling like a puppy who had been chastised.

The bike stopped and they climbed off before sitting on the grass,

"fuck, Naro' what happened bro?"

"I don't know?" he replied then went on to describe his symptoms,

"shiyaa, it sound's to me like you found you fucking mate"

"what, that guy? he's a fucking human!" Narong swore.

"all our ancestors were human back in the day bro" his friend replied.

"I can't, not with a human, you know what they're like" Narong said looking tortured.

"they're not all like that Naro' some stay married for years"

"if I mark him and he leaves, it'll fucking kill me" Narong said.

"if you don't mark him it will so you've really got nothing to lose"

For a wolf to be rejected by their mate it was actually worse than death, they lived a half life while their other half, their soulmate existed somewhere else on this rock they called earth and they mourned the fact that they couldn't be with them.

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