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Lover: I'm so happy I'm gonna go shopping with my reppy!
Rep: Love are you ready?
Lover: Yesss we can go rn
Rep: Come baby

Rep carries Lover to the car and they're talking about where they'll go

Lover: You really adore carrying me right
Rep: Ofc my love I adore carry you but I adore you sm more than you think and don't you dare think you can beat me in this okay
Lover: You're so cute! Sooo where are we going first baby
Rep: What you see and want first , there we go
Lover: Hmmm yk we can go to see some clothes first and later candy shop, chocolate
Rep: I absolutely agree

They get out of the car and hold hands all the time while walking to the first shop with clothes.

Lover: OMG baby look at this pink cute top I must have thattt
Rep: Ofc! I think I'm going for this black hot one look at this
Lover: Mhm absolutely, but you're hotter(whispers)
Rep: Mmm how about we find some hot dress for you?
Lover: Okay!
Rep: I think this one would suit you perfectly
Lover: Let me go try it

Lover lets Rep to see her in the dress she picked for her and Rep's speechless

Rep: OMG love this looks absolutely fire on you like I'm speechless fr!
Lover: Yeah and it's kinda hot right
Rep: That's gonna be torture for me when you'll go out like this with me
Lover: Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Rep: I so will

They bought pink and black tops, the dress and paid. Lover's already so excited to run to the candy shop and she drags Rep with her hand making Rep run with her.

Rep: Love you're so cute when it comes to candy and chocolate, snacks and sweets
Lover: OMG reppyyy look at this I want themmmm
Rep: Pick anything that you want I'll buy you cutie
Lover: Alright just those um 5 things okay
Rep: Uuuuu that all looks so delicious (whispers -but not like you)
Lover: Reppyyy sshhh we're in publicccc
Rep: We weren't in public when you said that about the dress huh
Lover: OMG c'mon I'll be in you when we come back,be sure about that
Rep: Oh dw I'm sooo sure that you'll

They laughed and Rep bought her all those 5 things she picked from the candy shop. They're about to go to the car holding hands. After finally coming back to home Lover's putting the clothes in the vending machine and candy in their box where there are other sweets.

Rep: Baby are you hungry
Lover: Not that much but we could have dinner it's 6 pm so soon OMG wow how the time already passed WHAT
Rep: Dw about the time , you're never enough for me and yk after the dinner you're mine in bed until we fall asleep
Lover: Mmmm what we'll make for dinner hottie
Rep: Do you want pasta cuz ik you love it sm
Lover: Sure but how about we shower first and change into something else
Rep: Okay sure but I don't think we'll change into something else
Lover: Stop being so hot OMGGGG I told you I'll be in you when we come back but first I wanna do all before the bed is ours
Rep: You'll but
Lover: Sshhh come here

They're washing each other and do all what they needed before having dinner and love time.

Rep: Love dinner's readyyyy
Lover: Mmmm looks so delicious (whispers - not like you)
Rep: Do you really wanna play like this huh
Lover: (Laughs) Mmmm no but I just know I wanna be in you after this , I want you to wrap me with your arms and kiss me sm
Rep: You're such a cute baby, come I wanna feed you
Lover: Give me that

Yeah they fed each other and went to their room talking and having love time. Lover comes in Rep and talks lil hot with her to see will she survive not to be reeeeally hot

Rep: How you can be so cute baby
Lover: How you can be such a dirty hottie
Rep: Ohohoho look at thattt! Fine yes I am but only yours
Lover: That's acceptable, only mine.

Lover kisses her and they end up kissing and cuddling for a longer time just sharing love and talk cute, lil hot before falling asleep together.

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