Ur my lil baby

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Rep- Can u fuckin stop bein that cute like I'm literally beggin u
Lover- I could say all the same with ur hotness
Rep- Fuck u're right but ah
Lover- Hottie I don't think it's our fault that we're cute and hot at the same time that much just about hot u win the most
Rep- Mmmmm okay
Lover- Come bake cookies with me
Rep- Sure

They're baking cookies now. How did that pass? Laughin, smiles , jokes, hotness, cuteness, whole great fun

Rep- M mmm
Lover- OMG plz we already fucked up sth
Rep- Who started huh
Lover- Hmmm really yeah who
Rep- I'll literally throw u on the bed rn
Lover- Oh yeah
Rep- U yeah
Lover- Hmmm

Lover fucks her with words in a way that will make her fr do it so she's chasin her while Lover's escaping from her laughnin. Rep finally catches her right before she wanted to run in their room. She picks her up now and throws her on the bed, comes in her

Lover(squeaks) u did it
Rep( kisses her) told u
Lover- Did u just want us like this or
Rep- Hmmm what about if I say bc of what happened in the kitchen but this too like both in one
Lover- That was actually reeeeallyyy funny
Rep- Aha ik
Lover- I adore u hottie

Rep keeps kissin her so they stay like that for some mins until Lover tells her they need to run for cookies

Lover - Mmmm baby we need to go cooking are goin to be done
Rep- I almost totally forgot u're just so delicious that I forget about anythin else
Lover( laughs) come

They're runnin down holdin hands and smilin all the time

Lover- OMG! Anddd they're REEEAADYYY
Rep- Are u RFI
Lover- Nowwww we're gonna wait for them to stop bein hot and then we'll eat okay
Rep- Yeaaah
Lover- Want me to feed u
Rep- Sure but I'll do the same

Cookies aren't hot anymore and that means they can finally eat them ofc feddin each other with them

Lover- FINALLYYY, come

They look at each other for a few secs and then say not like u at the same time then laugh

Soon they finish eatin them. They still have some for tmm which is absolutely great. Rep wants to have what was before they had to run for the cookies so she takes her back to their room.

Lover- Yk we should do them more often
Rep- Yeah fr( comes in her)
Lover( smiles at her)
Rep ( kissin her)
Lover- Did u want to come back to this huh
Rep- Mmmhmm
Lover- Ik u baby
Rep- Nothin can't beat u u're the most delicious baby
Lover- All the same words to u too
Rep- Look at uuuu
Lover- Look at u
Rep- U're my lil baby
Lover- Ilysmmm, m do yk ur lips are like addicti (Rep kisses her) mmmm
Rep- Yeah ofc

They do this for a longer time bc ofc. Anddd after bathroom things before sleepin they repeat that with cuddlin so like they were just kissin sm today. The night passed with kissin, cuddlin, smiles, laughnin and cute talkin

NOTE- Short but so cute , lil funny and funnn 😍❤️

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