Blood in the water /Sonadow/

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Tw! Blood, near drowning, angst
(Oh boi we starting off with angst >:D)
Shadow's POV

I gasped as I broke through the surface of the waves.

I gulped the air, the cold clean air and it filled my lungs.
I looked around at the water surrounding me, kicking my legs and using my air shoes to keep me a float.

I didn't see him.

"SONIC! SONNICCC!" I shouted, looking around, trying to spot him in the water.

He was drowning somewhere in the waves and I was doing nothing to find him.

"SONIIICCC!" I screamed.

Then I picked up a scent.
The scent of blood.

A wave washed by me and I saw red.

Blood in the water.
I gasped and kicked back up to the surface.
I saw a trail of red floating in the water.


I swam as fast as I could following the trail until it stopped and floated down into the sea. I took a breath of air and then dived down. I swan fast, using my shoes to boost me further and moving my arms as fast as I could.

My muscles ached and burned in revolt as if screaming to stop but I couldn't, not until I see him out of here.

I boosted my shoes even faster and then the trail stopped because there he was.

He was suspended in the water, blood leaking from a wound on his forehead, and his eyes were closed.

But through the murkiness of the ocean I could make out the bright sapphire pelt of that idiotic hedgehog I've told myself I shouldn't be in love with.

I grabbed Sonic's arm and then booked it for the surface.
My air was running out and the last thing I wanted was to drown in the ocean.
Caspian would probably find our bodies and leave Sonic's on the shore then toss mine to the sharks.

I saw the light and got of out the water. I gasped and coughed, pulling his limp arm over my shoulder.

"Don't worry Sonic, I got you." I gasped, as I slowly kicked to the shore, the small waves helping carry us there.

Once I could feel the sand under my shoes I stomped out of the water, dragging Faker's soaked, limp form out of the water, hanging onto my shoulder like a heavy corpse.

I prayed he wasn't one yet.

I set Sonic down on the sand, and rolled him onto his back.

"Sonic, Sonic wake up!" I groaned, feeling exhausted from saving us both from the ocean's watery death.

I shook him gently, but there was no response.
His clothes were drenched and sticking to him, and sand stuck to his already messy quills and fur.

"Sonic, Sonic please wake up!" I whined, feeling like some helpless girl crying out for her lover.

I placed my ear to his chest, listening for a heartbeat.

A faint one.

I took his wrist and felt for a pulse.

Faint just the same but there still was one.

He was gonna die if I didn't do anything.

I knew what I had to do. I started the chest compressions, but when that didn't work I pinched his nose and blew into him mouth.
It almost felt like I was kissing him but that's just some fantasy I wanted to happen, now I just wanted him at the minimum, breathing and alive!

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