Parenting... it never ends well

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Silver's POV

My heart raced as I ran through the forest.

"GWEENNNN! GWEENNNN!" I screamed into the night.

"Silver! She's not here! We gotta keep looking in another area." Espio said, grabbing my arm.

"But we have to keep looking! Gwen could be anywhere! She could be hurt or worse-"

"We'll find her Silver, we just all need you to breathe." He said.

I gasped and sniffed up my tears.
I always thought I'd be a good parent.
Turns out I only fucked everything up.


Tails handed me the small bundle, and I took it gingerly.

"I mixed around with some of her DNA with some of the DNA from other hedgehogs like you asked, and I can say, she still looks like you, a little." He said, wiping his forehead.

I looked down at the hedgehog pup in the blanket bundle. She was ivory white with lime green eyes. Her muzzle was pale like mine and her quills were more fluffy and wavy, but she looked like my daughter.

"What are you gonna name her?" Asked Tails.

"Gwen. Gwen Crystalline Ivory." I said softly, holding my new daughter close to me.

I always wanted a family but I didn't have one biologically. Blaze was like my sister but it was always a dream of mine to have a kid.

And I consulted Tails about this, and he started working on his longest project ever. And now here she was in my arms.

"Welcome to the world, little Gwen!" I giggled, holding her up as she grabbed her small pawed hands at me.


Gwen grew up a lot faster than I had planned on.
She would float around as a pup but now she could walk on both legs and sort of talk. However her telekinesis was definitely not controlled. She would float at random and stuff around her would float without her control.
But I loved her and trained her the best I could.

"Baba!" She said, grabbing on my pant leg.

"Yes Gwennie?" I asked, crouching down to her level.

"I wan cookie!" She said.

"Sorry Gwen-Gwen, but no cookies right now." I said softly, patting her on the head.

She pouted and walked away, and I turned back to cooking.

I was about to chop some more carrots when I heard a loud crash and a yelp right behind me.

Gwen sat on the floor and the jar I usually kept treats and cookies in was smashed on the floor.

"Gwen!" I gasped, setting down the knife and quickly moving to my daughter.

She whimpered and rubbed a small cut on her cheek.

"How did you do that?" I gasped, looking up at the high shelf the jar had fallen from. Gwen was much too short to reach it.

"Powers!" She whined.

She then stared at the spilled cookies intently and one started floating. Then it dropped and a piece of glass that was floating with it shot towards us.
I yelped and stopped it with my telekinesis.
She was trying to use her telekinesis but clearly had no control over it.

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