Spinning Into Madness (N/A)

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Blocky had been spinning around the Big Rotating Building for a solid... five minutes.

The wooden cube would look up, then down, then all around, making sure there wasn't any sign of Four or anyone else; it was clear that they'd moved on to whatever challenge this episode had in store, so he no longer had to keep his cool.

"...Alright." He'd start talking to himself, as one would do. "Feels like I've already been stuck here for far, *far* too long; it's felt like an eternity, so I think that's my prison sentence through." A grin then emerged in his face. "Time to get back to business."

With no time to waste, he'd take out his brand-new tablet (a small mercy given by Four so that everyone wouldn't complain) and start recording. "Hey, guys! For a prank, break out of prison using a blowtorch you *sneakily* took from Yellow Face's warehouse!" He'd then do exactly that... or at least try to; turning the blowtorch on, it'd quickly become apparent that not even the tiniest flame was emerging from it. Upon closer inspection (as best as he could, anyway; it's hard to focus while getting constantly spun around), it became *extremely* clear that all this thing was was a strange little prop, only giving one the ability to turn an orange light mimicking a flame on and off. "What the?" He'd blink several times while repeatedly switching the light on and off, even going so far as to point it at himself while doing so, half-expecting it to suddenly work and spew forth a great flame directly onto his face. But no. This thing was just completely and utterly useless.

"...Whatever." Blocky would stop recording and delete that take; what isn't seen *technically* doesn't exist, right? He'd stuff the prop away on a corner and take a deep breath before going for a second round. "Hey, guys! For a prank, break out of prison by smashing the bars using a hammer you secretly brought!" He'd then proceed to do just that... or, *again*, try to. Despite being fairly confident that the thing was solid wood and steel, even giving things a good hit a while back to test it out, the moment it made contact with the bars, it'd harmlessly bounce off with a comical squeaking noise; crushing the thing with his fist in frustration revealed that the part that mattered was actually made out of rubber, making it completely useless as a tool to break down bars made of... not cardboard tubes, that's for sure.

The hexahedron was at wits' end at that point; he'd already gone through all his prison-break gear due to being limited in what he could hide (and also because they weren't even intended as such), and he only had one other novelty item to try out. Letting out a deep sigh, he'd go in for a third take. "Hey, guys! For a prank, push this button that instantly kills Yellow Face! Which for some reason he sells at his warehouse. For some reason." He took a moment to ponder just how crazy that was; they'd been Battling for Dream Island for a decade and a bit more, and had seen *plenty* of wild and wacky things, but this? Selling a button that just *kills* you? That seems like a bit of a reach. And indeed, it is; with the push of a button, instead of giving that Yellow Face a quick and sudden death, it'd just send an electric shock coursing through Blocky's body, temporarily stunning him.

Upon returning to his senses, he'd groan and scramble to pick himself back up, trying to find the *one* comfortable spot this spinning cage had to offer. "...Really, I dunno what I even expected." He threw the button onto the walls of his prison, causing it to bounce around and shatter into several pieces. "A button that just *kills* Yellow Face? Did I really think that was just... a *thing* he sold? *Why*?"

"HEY!" Taco, a fellow inmate, would suddenly shout. "Are you trying to film another prank? Aren't you banned from that for, like, 2,763 years?" Blocky turned to her, or at least where she was at the moment. "YOU WEREN'T EVEN THERE!" He'd shout back. "How'd you know about *THAT*?" "You're seriously asking me that?" Taco replied. "Where I got the news that the *oh-so-great* prankster Blocky finally got his comeuppance? It got around quickly, duh." The cube reflected on that for a moment. "Did they really call me a great prankster?" He'd ask; the food item scoffed. "Just quit it; not only are you annoying *everybody* here, but you're also gonna add to your sentence. You don't want that, right?" Blocky grumbled. "So *what* if I tried it?" He'd answer. "That's the key word: I just *tried* it. Trying to do it is *extremely* different from actually doing it, especially if it failed." Taco rolled her eyes. "I dunno if that'll hold up in court."

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