happy hearts

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the weather was chill on that 4th of july.
scattered showers in the area. the sky dusky and grey. the wind was moist and felt cold against the skin. a perfect day to enjoy a strong cup of black coffee. with a newspaper in her hand and the coffee cup in the other, she made her way to the balcony. she wondered if she should take her diary out and write some lines for her song since the ambience was peaceful and tranquil; just how she likes it. suddenly, the tranquility vanished as she heard the sound of her annoying phone go off.

ananya's pov

"ugh this stupid phone"

i checked my phone to see my colleague calling.

"ananya, check out your message app."

"wait, why?"

"just do it!"

i opened the green iconed messaging app with her still on the line. i could see the chairperson had sent something. i clicked and opened the chat of the official group.

"we are very excited to announce that we will soon be launching a new show considering the idea given to us by the fellow member of the team, ananya. we gave it much thought and it came off as a strong tactic to tackle the issue we're currently facing. a meeting shall be arranged later in the day regarding this matter. the time shall be informed later on. every member's presence is necessary."


"yesssss babeyyyyy?!"

"bhaiii i'm screaming tf did i just read?"

"hehee, i'm so happy for you. they considered your idea and are making a show about it. ahhh, i feel like a proud mother!"

"AHHHHHHHHH" they sequeled together.


to think she was happy would be an understatement considering the vast happy breakdown that she went through, a few hours back. now, she's heading into the office, with a different glow on her face.

as she made her way to her seat, priyam sneaked in out of nowhere.

"aab aap party kab dogee?" he said.

she smiled.

"aapko jab chahiye"

priyam was taken aback by the sweetness in her voice.

"o-oh u-um okay then."

as she made her way into the meeting, she saw the same boy that she saw the other day.

"what was his name again? irfan? nah
ishman? probably." she thought.

"hi ishman!" she greeted the boy.

the boy gave a gentle smile.

"it's ishan. good afternoon, ma'am."

"oops sorryy. i am not very good with names you know. but what are you doing here? i mean the other day i couldn't even ask the purpose of your visit since i had to rush."

"oh well, i'm here to inquire about the audition of the host for the new show. to see if there's any new news regarding it."

"ah really? don't worry, you'll be informed soon. actually the meeting that i'm attending today will discuss over such matters and finalize the plan. but, what were you doing the other day? i mean the show was announced just today right?"

"ah that. i came to here to uh.... visit a friend of mine."

"ah okay."

"i have a meeting to attend today as well. i hope you pass that audition."

the flashing lights (shubman gill × ishan kishan)Where stories live. Discover now