doomed beginnings

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after a brief gap of 3 days, the shooting for the next episode began with full enthusiasm. In the gap days, as if by memory, ishan would often find himself getting ready early, just to realize that there was no work that day.

ishan was excited, to be in the presence of his favorites or rather his favorite. he convinced himself that is completely platonic what he was feeling. may be that's how being friends felt? he wouldn't know for he had none. he has always been the boy at the corner, always the boy noone initiates any conversation with, so much that he sometimes felt like an npc in his own life. but that was long ago.who would've thought that shy, timid ishan would grow up to be the host for a show? hosting the pride of their country.

"crazy turn of events", ishan would always laugh it off.

during the gap of the 3 days, the company released the first episode of the show and it was a BIG hit in the history of indian television shows. the streams of the show went crazy and cricket enthusiast all over India gave a positive feedback. some drooled over the players and some, irrespective of gender, were seen taking a keen interest in the new face. overall, it could be said that the idea of the show was a big success in the history of netflix India and their profits skyrocketed.

as the crew gathered at the stadium with another day to tackle, they couldn't help but feel good about being a part of the show.

ishan's pov

"lights, camera and action!"

i began,

"missed your hunk host? koye na, we're so back with another episode of "smiles and sixes ft. ICT" on today's episode, we dwell into the hearts of the lover boys of  ICT. their favorite spots, songs, food andddd people. will we be successful in digging up some secrets or not? stick with us till the end and find out!"

"And cut!"
"this one was good ishan. well done."

"oh thank you very much."

"soo, shall we proceed?"

"yeah, let's go to the main hall. they've already set up everything like i asked and now, all that's left is for the members to arrive." i said.

"one at a time?" the crew asked.

"no, we're thinking of doing it together, that way there would be more fun and chaos happening. we've checked their schedules and only 3 players are available today, so we'll be doing this special episode with them."

"perfect. let's go then!"

and with that, we all made our way to the main hall, where we could see several bean bags being perfectly placed near each other, golden fairy lights, some artificial green plants, some fluffy pillows, overall providing a very cozy ambience, for the players to relax after a long day.


"hi there"

i turned around to see the 3 players coming. i smiled upon seeing then.

"hi! welcome everyone. thank you for coming."

"it's our absolute pleasure."
shubman said, giving off the biggest smile while looking into my eyes.

"ahemm should we sit down ishan?"

"o-oh ofcourse you can. please i insist."

"thank you, thought you'd never ask." siraj said while smirking at shubman.

as everyone sat down, the once cozy ambience turned into a fun, crazy and chaotic energy filled with banters and their laughs.

oh did i tell you it was live?
it was a live interactive session which was a "thank you" gift to the fans for showing such an immense amount of support to the show within such a short period of time. the audience were having a blast. we got to know so much about the members as well. well, too much.

the flashing lights (shubman gill × ishan kishan)Where stories live. Discover now