first glances

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the july sun hits hard. 12 in the afternoon, the sun shining at its peak, providing the street vendors and passerby the ultimate discomfort. but ofc, it wouldn't come off as a problem for someone in the comfort of their room with A/C full blasted on. with the clock ticking 12:30, finally a sleeping beauty woke up from their sleep. he stretched his pumped up veiny arms,his equally chiseled abs providing us with the information that he slept without a shirt on. *whistles* such a sight to behold.

meet shubman gill, the very much talented and the most loved cricketer of the generation. self doubts and overthinking? not his kind of thing. simping and flirting with homies? probably. although intimidating at first glance, he's a goof ball when you get to know him. sounds pretty great? well, he is a pretty great deal. but this package, being the straightforward dude he is, has often landed himself in trouble during times. and certainly the most careless out of all. oh well, but he's hot. that makes up for everything.

shubman's pov

i opened my eyes and immediately closed it as the sun rays shone bright inside the room despite having big ass thin white curtains.
"oh maybe that's why."

making my bed, i started abiding by my morning routine that includes a 1 hour long shower with a banger playlist. the best part of the day. what? i have quite attachments with my bathroom.

i checked the time. half past 2.
shit, i missed the morning practice.

i go on to see that virat bhaiya and my manager, kavya has called me several times. shit, i'm doomed. but they'll forgive me anyways.

i checked myself out in the mirror.

"not too bad for a 30 year old."

"cut it mayank." i said rolling my eyes.

"cut what uncle ji? perhaps those white hair on your head?"

"no maybe try cutting on those calories from your late night brownie cravings. must've been the reason why you couldn't run yesterday." i said in a high pitched voice.

i receive a glare from mayank, my roommate as well as my teammate. i hear the door shutting with a loud thud, indicating he has left.

A call chided in. i groan at the i'd.
it's my manager. i get prepared to hear a earful but all i got was silence on the other line. that's even more worse.


"shubman gill"

i nervously laughed.

"yo kavya, what's up?"

"you're seriously asking me that? after NOT picking up my calls for the 68th time?"

"you should've called 1 more time."

"SERIOUSLY SHUBMAN? can you stop with your jokes? i swear you're not funny."

"ouch. that hurts."

"as it should."

kavya, my manager. though being 5 years older than me but we vibe. maybe cause i have an elder sister.

"so tell me. why did you call?"

"first of all toh you missed your morning practice, A.G.A.I.N
and secondly, there's something i need you to know which was discussed today in the morning."


"there's going to be a reality show in the fields."


"matlab, it's a show sponsored by netflix. it'll revolve around the lives of the players. a host will be present with you all, on and off the fields."

"ooo invasion of privacy much?"

the flashing lights (shubman gill × ishan kishan)Where stories live. Discover now