playful proposals

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ishan's pov

"h-hey ananya, w-what's up?"

"ishan." the speaker on the other end dead serious.

"do you wanna tell me something, ishan? is there something i should know?"

"ananya LISTEN to me, he was joking. he's a funny person. he does that to EVERYONE i promise."

"hey! i don't do that to just anyone. rude ishan. you make me sound like a player or something." shubman chided in.

"that you are tho." siraj spoke under his breath, only to be caught by shubman's glare.

(on the call)

"hey ishan, chill there. it's not that serious. i was just messing with you. acha listen, could you drop by the company now? we have something to discuss with you. and no, you're not getting fired."

"yes okay i'm coming right now."

i cut the call, feeling a bit relieved that atleast i'm not losing my job. other than that, any sort of punishment is fine with me. what could possibly go wrong....right?

"where are you going? when's the next shoot?" shubman spoke.

i looked up at him forcing a smile and spoke in the sweetest voice as possible.

"i have the whole schedule planned for our next shoot don't worry. we will continue to work on that soon if i am fired today ^^."

i saw his face droop.

"ishan, i swear i didn't do that on purpose. it just...happened. i didn't mean that-"

"and NOW you don't mean that? great. anything else that you'd like to share sir?"

"ooooo he's fiesty." riyan snickered.

"i'm sorry ishan." i could almost see his ears droop like that of a puppy when it's owner scolds him for breaking the vase.

"look naa, isn't he the cutest?" the heart looked at shubman with heart eyes.

the brain peaked a glance.


"you're so cute when you lie." the heart pinched brain's cheeks and went back on babying the man infront of it.

taking a deep breath, i decided to apologize since i went a bit overboard with my reaction. he's after all elder than me. i felt bad for him. ofc, he didn't mean it. but why did i wanted him to mean that?

"shubman, i'm sorry as well. i, i went a bit over the line. i was just so afraid i would mess up everything and lose this job."

"you should be the last one to apologize, ishan. i don't know what happened to me at that time. you got such feline eyes i truly lost myself in them. that's the only explanation i could come up with."

i was taken aback by his honesty.
"a-ah it's okay ig. i should probably go."

"ishan, wait!"


"actually, i was thin-"

yeah my boyfriend's pretty cool but he's not as cool as me~ shubman's phone rings up.

[ the heart shakes the brain up.

"anddd he's a lana stan. how perfect can he get?"

the flashing lights (shubman gill × ishan kishan)Where stories live. Discover now