Chapter 6 || 6장

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we got off the ride and i was blushing uncontrollably, how can he act normal after what happened?!?!? "never make me ride that again" i said looking away "aw did you not like it? it's alright shorty" he said messing my hair. "lets go get our ice cream, my treat." niki said winking. he started walking to the ice cream shop with me following him.

we arrived at the ice cream shop and there were so many kids in here, on the look of nikis face i see that he hates kids.. other than that there were so many flavors to choose from but i chose my favourite
"alright shorty, what would you like?" "mint choco please" "ew who likes that, it tastes like toothpaste" he said with a distgust written all over his face "shut up its good" "mhm, we would would 1 mint choco and 1 cookie dough ice cream please" he said as he grabbed his wallet and paid for the ice cream

we got our ice creams and i dug in as soon as the lady at the register gave me. hehe
"slow down your gonna get a brain freeze.." niki said with a disgusting emotion "does it even taste that good i mean its just toothpaste with chocolate?!?" the older stated (niki) "try it then you'll know" i said with an eye roll as he started eating his. while we were enjoying our ice cream i decided to take a picture so i can post my daily post on instagram!!

but this giant won't let me
"hold it up it'll just be a second" i said with an annoying tone "but i don't want to ugh" he said
after a few we finally took the picture.

we finished our ice creams and it was 8:40pm
i was planning to go home but niki insisted to stay a few more hours "shut up it's almost 9pm the carnival with close is 20 minutes do you want us to get stuck in here?!?! TOGETHRT?!??! fuck no?" i said speed walking towards the exit "fine and slow down geez what are you in a hurry for shorty" he said catching up to my speed putting his arm around my shoulders

We arrived at the parking lot and he was leaning on his motorcycle with a helmet in his hand handing it to me "you gon take it or would you like to walk back?" he said with a smirk but i had no choice so i took it, i sat behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist so i wont fall off.

we arrived at my house and i got off and handed niki his helmet "thank you" i mumbled "what was that? i couldn't hear" he said "thank you for today" i said a little louder, he chuckled "your welcome shorty" he said with a wink "alright goodbye shorty see you next monday?" o just hummed "bye see you ig" i said and i turned around to open the gate "no hug?" he said which made my cheeks heat up a little,

i turned around to look at him "you don't deserve no hug-" he intrupted me but pulling me into a hug. i hugged back bcs it was niki?!??? he pulled away then ruffled my hair and got on his motorcycle. i turned around to open the gate once again and successfully unlocked it. i waved a goodbye to niki and he drove off when he saw me close the gate, as soon as i entered the house i was running around the house because of what happened

"HAHAHAJAHSIAHAJAUABJAHAJWUSJSISHSISJSJSBSJSHSNSUS" misty jumped and looked scared because of my possessed acting "sorry misty but omg!???!" i said while petting misty.

*pretend it's a photo of two ice creams im having problems uploading the photo*
Liked by @riki_mj6 and 374 others
@pretty.sun: Mint choco 🔛🔝 (with @riki_mj6)
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@pretty.sun: first of all it's NOT a date it's a hangout.. maybe and second of all you weren't answering my calls because you were too busy stalking JAY
@sheep3won: you didn't need to expose me like that..
@riki_mj6: are you sure it's not a date shorty? ;)
@pretty.sun: OH SHUT UP

@hee_lee836: enemies to lovers?!?!? 😍
@pretty.sun: Lee heeseung if you don't shut your mouth i'll make sure to sew them together.
@hee_lee836: thats hyung to you..
@iceprince119: ...

@user2194652: your mine.
A/U Pov:

Sunoo looked at the comment with concern all over his face but he just shrugged it off and went to sleep not knowing that someone was watching him through the window of his bedroom...

???? 🥰

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