Chapter 11 || 11장

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"SKIING TIME EVERYONEEEE" heeseung yelled "im hungry cant we eat something first?!!" jungwon said "me too" ej agreed "same how about Mcdonald's or something?" sunghoon stated "alright let's go!!" jay said "YAY!" sunoo said excited "so your excited on being on my lap again huh!" i heard niki whisper "NUH UH im only excited about the food" sunoo said happily since he hasn't eaten fast food in a long time "sureee~" niki teased sunoo.
they all got into the car and were driving to Mcdonald's to eat since they have not eaten breakfast yet.

Sunoo Pov
on our way to mcdonald's i was scrolling on my phone looking at photos of misty, he looks so happy!!! so i decided to call my sister to check up on him.

Noona 💕
hey sunoo how's your trip??

hii, it's pretty good we went ice skating today!

Noona 💕
hope you had fun!!

how's misty!!

Noona 💕
he is great wanna see him??? we were going on a walk!!


*Noona 💕


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Noona 💕
he misses you too sunooooo!!!!
anyway have fun at your Trip!

thank you noona, i love you!!

Noona 💕
i love you too now bye enjoy!!!


"hm your cat is very cute like you shorty" niki whispered in my ear, i could feel the blush on my face and tried to hide it "shut up" i whispered back.
he chuckled at my response "cute." he mumbled

"MM THIS IS SO GOOD" i said eating my burger "i bet you taste better though shorty" niki said eating his food, i choked on my food "are you alright?!??" jungwon said as he patted my back "yeah i'm fine i think" i said glaring at niki.

we arrived at our destination and there was so much snow!! we went to get our equipment so we could skii.

"WAHHHHHH IM GOING SO FASTT" i screamed as i slid down the hill full of snow
i ended up falling into the snow at the bottom but got up easily "y'all wanna race?!?" nicholas said "YES" k responded "WHOEVER EINS GETS 20$" Jay stated as everyone starting running up the hill
we were divided into teams me and jungwon, jake and ej, k and niki, ej and jay, nicholas and heeseung then there's subghoon the ice prince who is gonna be watching the race "READY" sunghoon started yelling "SET" ... "GO!" and everyone started sliding down the hill

"SO WHO WON!" Jake said happily "IT WAS........." we were waiting for the winner "TEAM EJ AND JAY!!!!" ej and jay started cheering and jumping as the others were going crazy

" we were waiting for the winner "TEAM EJ AND JAY!!!!" ej and jay started cheering and jumping as the others were going crazy___________________________________

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Liked by @nic.ho11las and 726 others
@pretty.sun: SUNSET WHILE SKIING >>>>>

Liked by @iceprince119 and 1270 others @pretty

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Liked by @iceprince119 and 1270 others
@pretty.sun: ICE SKATING OR SKIING?? (puku puku pow pow)

view all 802 comments

@iceprince119: ICE SKATING FOR LIFE
@pretty.sun: nuh uh
@iceprince119: i hate you
Sunoo's Pov
we got home after a long day and i flopped on the bed like a dead fish. "I'm so tireddd" i whined "then go to sleep?" niki replied "i wasn't talking to you" i said glaring at him "then who were you talking to? a ghost?" he sarcastically said. i sighed loudly and went to change in the bathroom, i took a nice long hot shower before changing then put my pjs on. i went out of the bathroom to see niki playing games shirtless. 'excuse you? what about my mental health?!?!' i thought to myself.

niki turned around and looked at me "your finally done" he said as he finished his last round on the game "eh? you were waiting for me? why." i said as he turned the game off and walked towards me "to sleep with you of course" he said with a wink and i pushed him lightly and went to my side of the bed "shut up" i said with a flustered voice. i got into bed so as niki and turned around as soon as i got into bed so he wouldn't see the blush on my face. an hour has passed and i still couldn't sleep so i turned around to see if niki was asleep and he was. i went closer to him to check and our body's were inch's away from touching,

i suddenly felt a hand on my waist which startled me i looked at niki and saw him wide awake "so you were gonna kiss me huh." he said with a smirk "n-no it's not what it seems iwasjusttryingtoseeifyouwereasleepandnothingelse-" i got cut off by niki suddenly kissing me, i was shook but i kissed back. our lips matched like pieces of puzzles and moved in a steady rhythm. i tried to pull away to catch my breath but niki held onto me tighter. i put my arms around his neck as the kiss deepened

the kiss was coming to an end and niki gave me a few pecks on the lips before pulling away "sorry love i couldn't hold it in" niki said before stuffing in face into my neck


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