Chapter 8 || 8장

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Sunoos Pov
We were eating dinner and everyone was talking and laughing. We finished eating and thanked jay for the food and went to do our businesses. some were unpacking, some were playing games and some were just laying down doing nothing aka me. i was looking at pictures of kittens which reminded me of misty like who wouldn't??? i was minding my own business until someone started yelling

"WHO WANTS TO GO TO THE SUPERMARKET WITH US" jay yelled and i jumped up excitingly cause who wouldn't go to the supermarket.. i put on my crocs and a jacket. me, niki, heeseung, jay and jungwon were going since the others were either sleeping or yelling at each other. we got into the car and put our seatbelts on just in case we erm crash. i whipped out my phone and started taking pictures and selfies but someone kept intruppting me

"NIKI ISTG IF YOU DONT STOP ILL MAKE SURE YOU-" "you'll make sure i what?" he said with a smirk "WHATEVER" i yelled at his face with a hmph "if you want to be in my pictures that bad just ask" i mumbled with an eye roll "what was that shorty?" i just gave him an annoying look for an answer and he just chuckled

"okay lovebirds we arrived now stop arguing before i leave you guys here all alone." jay stated and i just gave him an eye roll. we went in the store and got a cart "who do they think they are? our parents?" "they're not even together bro shut- OHH" niki suddenly said "what?" i asked "don't ya think they are dating shorty" he said flicking my forehead "EH? DATING? AINT NO WAY JUNG-" niki covered my mouth

"stay quiet this is a public place dont ya think???" he said as i took his hand off my mouth "ahem" heeseung fake coughed to get our attention "let's go?" i gestered his hand to where jay and jungwon were, we nodded and headed to that direction. we were walking and i suddenly spotted A BIG JAR OF GUMMIES EEEK!! i went towards it and tried grabbing it because it was on the highest shelf. cant they put it on the bottom one???

i jumped and i almost got it but no luck, i pouted in defeat until some tall figure appeared behind me and reached for it and got it "you should've asked me for help shorty i'll always be available to help ya" i turned around and saw niki, we were so close it almost felt that we were about to kiss.. nvm he winked at me then he handed me the jar of gummies and messed my hair and mumbled cute after then walked away like nothing happened. GIRL

we were at the register and jay was paying while we were standing like little kids at the end of the register waiting for our ice creams, i chose mint choco of course. we all got our ice creams and made our way to the car with bags in our hands, we got home and placed the bag in the kitchen and went to eat our ice creams, but before i did i grabbed my gummies and hid them in my room so nobody could steal.

i sat on the couch and started eating my ice cream cone "MMM THIS IS GOOOOOODDDDD" jake said (they bought ice creams for everyone) "MINE IS WAYYYYY BETTER" heeseung suddenly fought back "NUH UH" "YUH UH" "NUH UH" "YUH UH" "YUH UH" "NUH U-" "that's not fair you cheated" heeseung said pouting trying to be cute while everyone was laughing "you guys aren't kids shut up and eat your ice creams!" jay suddenly yelled at them.

i finished my ice cream and went to shower, i took a nice hot shower and wore my pjs. i sat on the bed and grabbed my ohone so i can post the pictures and selfies i took

 i sat on the bed and grabbed my ohone so i can post the pictures and selfies i took

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Liked by @riki_mj6 and 872 others
pretty.sun: car selfies 🫶 (this was the ONLY photo not ruined by this stinky bro @riki_mj6)
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@riki_mj6: Excuse me!? you should be grateful for me being in those pictures. who wouldn't want to see my handsome face
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@pretty.sun: i'd rather die than see YOU
@riki_mj6: you blushing in the super market says otherwise shorty
@pretty.sun: SHUT UP YOU GIANT

@ans.ej11: are you and niki tg?!??
@pretty.sun: SAYS WHO?!??
@riki_mj6: says me
@sheep3won: ^
@iceprince119: ^^
@takis.rrj: ^^^
@eunji_im: ^^^^


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Liked by @ans.ej11 and 482 others
@pretty.sun: Late night shopping ✨
view all 203 comments

@laylasdad: and y'all had the AUDACITY to go without me.
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@pretty.sun: not my fault you were sleeping.
@pretty.sun: hyung. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW IF YOU WANTED TO GO??????
@laylasdad: ahem, sorry bout that mate.

@user2194652: having fun without me sunshine?
@pretty.sun: i don't even know who you are, stop calling me sunshine my name is Sunoo.
@user2194652: we'll see about that.

bro late night shopping 🔛🔝

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