Chapter 13|| 13장

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"good morning sunshine" said jungwon as he hugged his bestfriend the bestest hug ever "morning!" replied sunoo with a BRIGHT smile on his face. sunoo and jungwon were talking and playing around waiting for class to start when suddenly

"hi!" said a boy "hello? may we help you?" said jungwon "i was wondering if you guys wanted to be friends?" asked the boy, sunoo loved to make new friends so he agreed "yay! i'm jo" said the boy happyily "i'm jungwon and this is sunoo" spoke jungwon introducing the two

"well i'm gonna go to class now, how about we hang out after school? i'm always free" jo spoke with a smile looking at the two "of course we would love to but i have to go somewhere today, how about tomorrow?" sunoo did not want to hurt the boys feelings so he set a hangout plan for tomorrow.. "sure! see you." weird?

"that was weird" said jungwon giving side-eyes "nothings weird about someone wanting to be friends.. you just can't relate." said sunoo as he ran away "OI GET BACK HERE" shouted jungwon as he ran after sunoo

sunoo saw riki from afar and ran towards him while laughing and giggling, he hid behind riki and held onto his clothes "what are you-" "KIM SUNOO!!" shouted jungwon once again and went towards the group

"have y'all seen sunoo anywhere? that brat owes me an apology" said jungwon with an eye roll, sunoo pinched niki not to tell him but he did anyway. niki pointed to behind him and not even a second later he got caught

"HEY! WHY WOULD YOU." sunoo hit niki's arm while jungwon was yapping "bro shut up your annoying" "so are you" sunwon argued back and forth "ANYWAY WANNA GO TO THE NEW COFFEE SHOP THAT OPENED TWO DAYS AGO?" shouted jungwon not even seconds later "YESSSS"

"weren't they just arguing.." said sunghoon "eh. mood change" "and you! mr. nishimura." suddenly yelled sunoo pointing to niki

"that's babe to you" said niki while pouting "no you don't deserve to be called anything after snitching on me." sunoo rolled his eyes "but-" sunoo walked away before niki could even speak "well that was.. interesting" said jay as he went back to his phone

"psst" someone said trying to get sunoos attention, sunoo look towards the direction of the sound and saw.. jo "yes?" whispered sunoo replying to jos whisper "i'm bored, wanna skip class?" asked jo begging sunoo to skip with him "i'm sorry but as much as i'd want to i can't-" "kim sunoo why are you talking in my class?!? detention" said the teacher with her arms crossed 'bro what is up with this math teacher and detention like chill.'


sunoo lazily walked towards detention, whining and wanting to go home, he peeked through the detention door just to see the teacher scolding a familiar looking boy

"sunoo your here, sit here next to riki" said the teacher as sunoo made his way towards the seat 'why is riki always in detention tf is he doing murderibg someone!?' "ill head out now, no leaving until 5:30pm understood?" the teacher stated walking out of detention, the two looked at eachother and sunoo saw the older smirking for no reason

"so~ honey why are you in detention for?" said riki fixing his position fully towards sunoo "well i was talking in class." the younger spoke pouting "just for that? pffftt" laughed riki while sunoo rolled his eyes, sunoo laid his head on his arms which was on the desk trying to sleep until it's over.

riki saw this and picked sunoo up by the waist placing him in his lap, sunoo just slept on the olders lap since it was warm and comfortable unlike sleeping on those desks.

the older was admiring the younger who was sleeping on him peacefully not knowing that someone was staring at them from afar..


"SUNOO WAKE UP!" shouted jungwon waking sunoo up from his peaceful sleep "what??! is their a school schooling?!!!? ARE WE DYING?!?!?" yelled sunoo while watching the people infront of him laugh

"no i was just waking you up, sorry.." innocently said jungwon "anyways let's go?" jungwon grabbed sunoos hand taking him away from his riki who was left there sitting on the chair

before sunoo could leave he left a peck on riki's cheeks and lips patting his head before running away with jungwon to the cafe near their school.

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