Chapter 10 || 10장

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"ATTENTION EVERYBODY today we will be going on a trip to the ICE RANKKKKK followed by SKIIIING YALL RESDY????" heeseung stood up on the counter and yelled "are you sure he's not drunk?" sunghoon stated "nah bro is just excited" taki said
"we will be taking two cars only this time so we will decide who goes with who" jay said "so car 1 will be driven by heeseung and the passengers are jake, ej, me and sunghoon. Car 2 will be driven by Jay and the passengers are Nicholas, Taki, Jungwon, Niki And Sunoo!" K stated

"LETS GAUR" jake said happily and ran out the door followed by the others "ugh why do i always have to be with you" i stated looking at niki with an eye roll "because why not" niki said grinning "what are you waiting for?? lets go!" he suddenly said grabbing my wrist and dragged me to the car "in car 2 there are 6 people so someone needs to sit on someone's lap.

" nicholas stated then everyone started looking at us. i looked down to see niki still holding me hand, my eyes widened as i let go "so then?" ej said "yeah definitely." said heeseung "EHH?!? ME ON NIKIS LAP?!?? WHY" "aren't you two dating?" taki suddenly said "yeah you two cuddle like a kitten and its mother" k said which made everyone laughing, i looked at niki and saw a blush on his face.

we got into the car and i'm on niki's lap. for 37minutes 🙏 . niki's hands were on my waist while my head was laid on his shoulder and we stayed quiet the whole ride but i snapped some photos ikr 🥰

we arrived at the skating rank and it was HUGE it can fit probably the whole popularity of korea /j
"what are y'all waiting for?? LETS GOOOOO" nicholas shouted and everyone started running + me
we got our skates and put them on. i had a problem with tying the skates so jake hyung helped me with it! we were getting on the ice but i'm not a hood skater so i could fall any moment

"just get on your not gonna die sunoo" taki stated reaching his hand out for me to hold, i held onto takis hand as he slowly pulled me towards the ice. i finally got on the ice but i had no control over it. "TAKI GO SLOW" i said as taki was dragging me with wherever he's going "don't worry your not gonna fall!!" he said but nuh uh too late,

taki let go of me and now i'm going straight into someone with no control "AH!! ILL KILL YOU TAKI" o said closing my eyes then bumping into the person which made us fall. i slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head to see that i landed on top of niki "IM SO SORRY! ARE YOU OKAY?" i said "mm yeah, thank god they gave us helmets otherwise my head would've have been broken shorty" "sorry.."i said without getting of off him

"so you like being on top of me huh?" he said smiling and i now realized that i was still on top of niki and hurriedly got off but couldn't because of the skates "uhm could you maybe help me?" i said as i held my hand out for niki to help me up "of course shorty, whatever you need" he helped me up and held onto me so i wouldn't fall "hey lovebirds need any help sunoo? i kinda saw you fall onto niki.." sunghoon appeared out of no where "yes please!" i said as he slowly took my hand and pulled me to skate.

i finally got a hang of it!! "YAY I DID IT DID YOU SEE THAT??" i said happily "i did see that but you will never beat me " niki said with a wink as he skated away backwards... erm i mean its true i would never be a better skater then him since he is athletic but im not. "so what? idc!" i said with an eye roll then a stomp as i crossed my hands "your gesture says otherwise!" he yelled "ARGH" .

another sunki au coming ☝️☝️
(it's way better please read it)

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