Chapter 9 || 9장

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i was weirded out by that comment but shrugged it off, until niki came in " hold up don't go to sleep yet, we still need to discuss where we sleep." he said "well i'm gonna be sleeping on the bed and you on the floor, duh." i said in a sassy tone then followed by an eye roll and i started making my way under the blanket until he pulled it off of me

"not so fast" he said "why can't you just stay on that side and i stay on this side its not like ill do something when your sleeping???" i stated sitting at the edge of the bed "so you were gonna do something if fell asleep????" he said with a smirk "NO IM JUST SAYING I WONT DO ANYTHING-" "alright shorty " he cut me off as he took his shirt off and went to lie in the other side of the bed "uhm why are you getting naked?!?!" i said turning around flustered

"chill i always sleep without a shirt on it annoys me if i sleep with it on" he answered as he covered himself with a blanket then tapped the empty spot infront of him "aren't you gonna sleep shorty?" niki said in a teasing tone and i just rolled my eyes and got under the blanket and turned the other way so i wouldn't have to look at him yk sleeping naked..

A/U Pov
'i had the best sleep of my LIFE' sunoo thought before opening his eyes but was blinded by the sunlight so he turned around and saw niki hugging him by his waist with his head snuffed into sunoos neck making sunoo shocked but flustered at the same time 'so that's why i've slept so well?!?!? i means it's kinda nice- snap out of it he doesn't like you' thought sunoo before frowning a little

'are you stupid sunoo he wouldn't be cuddling with you if he didn't like you????' and that frown turned into a smile "so you like being cuddled by me huh?" niki stated in his deep sleepy voice hich made sunoo blush "o-oh uh your awake heh." "don't try to
change the subject shorty" niki said as he faced sunoo "uhm.." sunoo tried looking at other things to try to avoid eye contact with niki but got distracted by his abs- erm

sunoo slowly looked down AVOIDING niki's abs and hesitentaly nodded which made niki chuckle and held onto sunoo tighter pulling him closer then stuffing his face into his neck "don't be shy shorty, these big boys are only for you to see" said niki with a laugh and sunoo was just.. red as a tomato. maybe even redder?!!

sunoo fell asleep with niki again, and in the mean time jungwon and jake snuck into their room to take pictures for blackmailing. "they look so cute together dont ya think?" jake whispered to jungwon "yes!!!" jungwon whispered back and slowly sunki was waking up by the noise, jake and jungwon noticed that and ran as fast as they could out the door.

Sunoos Pov
i woke up again for the second time due to some noises, i slowly opened my eyes seeing niki wahhh he's so handsome i snapped out of it as soon as i saw niki open his eyes i got up and pretended to look who was making the noise as i rubbed my eyes in the meantime, i looked at niki beside me who was already looking at me

"was that you making the noises?" he asked "yes it was me whispering random shit ARE YOU STUPID?? I WAS SLEEPIBG NEXT TO YOU THE WHOLE FIME YOU WOULDNT EVEN LET GO OF ME TF." i said yelling then mumbling some parts ykyk "chill, can we go back to sleep? i'm tired and i don't want you to leave" niki said in a cute tone then pouting and and crossing his arms 'hes so cute eeeek!' "in your dreams" i stated in a sassy tone then getting out of bed and out of the door.

i went downstairs and saw everyone looking at me "what. why are you looking at me as if i did something????" i said followed by an eye roll (PERIODTTT) then made my way to the kitchen

A/U Pov
meanwhile sunoo was pouring himself some water niki came down the stairs wearing his hoodie and also seeing people staring at him "what? do y'all need something? tf.." he said weirdly then mumbling the last part then made his way to the couch. sunoo was drinking his water peacefully untillllll "SO YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD GET AWAY WUTH THIS?" jake suddenly yelled which made sunoo started dropping his glass of water "DO YOU NOT SEE ME DRINKING" sunoo yelled back and jake and jungwon were laughing their asses off,

the sound of breaking glass made its way to the living room making people startled. niki ran to kitchen to see sunoo standing there watching jake and jungwon laugh. he was surrounded in broken glass "shorty you okay???" niki asked "mhm these bros decided to scare me from the back as if i'm not drinking water" sunoo stated in an annoying tone "who got you all moody shorty" niki said laughing while he took the brush and started brushing the broken glass away

while he was doing that sunoo decided to help by stepping aside to get the other brush but ended up getting glass in his feet "🐬" was all he screamed before realizing there was glass in his foot.

Sunoos Pov
i looked at my foot and there was a HUGE glass in it, it was bleeding so everyone noticed it "ARE YOU BLEEDING??? IM SO SORRY I DI-" jake and jungwon were apologizing and arguing like i'm dying while niki came over to me and carried me on his back then made his way to our room. lemme repeat that again, OUR room.

he went in the bathroom and made me sit on the counter, he got the aid kit and started getting the tweezers out "tweezers? how will that help." i said looking at him "just trust me my mom made me study to be a doctor i guess it came in handy" he said chuckling

he started cleaning a pair of tweezers with rubbing alcohol and then used them to remove the glass from my foot "ahh it hurts" i said whining while tears were appearing because of the pain "sorry shorty" was all he said before getting the glass out successfully. then he was checking my foot out? "what are you doing" "it seems like the splinter is below the surface of you skin so be prepared to scream cause i'm gonna be sewing your foot" he said smirking

"EXCUSE YOU???? JUST TAKE ME TO THE DOCTOR" i said "i'm joking" he said laughing "not funny" followed by a humph he used the rubbing alcohol to clean the wound and put a bandage on it a huge one. "thank you" i said getting off the counter "your welcome shorty" niki said messing my hair up 'EEEK I JUST GOT HEALED BY MY CRUSH' i thought jumping around as soon as he left "ah maybe i shouldn't jump." i said in pain.


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