Chapter 14 || 14장

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"GUYSSSS!!!!" shouted niki while running towards an empty classroom with only his friend group sitting in "what? you disturbed my peaceful sleep.." said heeseung rubbing his eyes

"well.. i'm planning to ask sunoo out but i need your help!!" announced niki "FINALLY! well we are here to help you kid" jay said eating his snack "so here is what i was thinking, i'll go to his house and set everything up after school but i'll leave early. and i'll just confess like that then take him to his favourite place surprising him with his favourite things how about that?" explained the youngest

"what if he doesn't come home on time?" sunghoon stated "plan.. b?" awkwardly said niki

. . . .

jungwon and sunoo were peacefully sitting in the cafe, drinking their drink while gossiping about everything

"so i was think that-" "hii guys!!" said jo as he ran towards the two "oh hey jo!" jungwon waved at the boy while smiling showing his dimples "what brings you here??" asked sunoo drinking his drink while watching jo sit on the chair infront of them

"i was just getting some coffee and i didn't expect to see you two here!" happily said jo "oo~ this is a great time to be getting to know eachother dont you think?" said sunoo while drinking his drink

"you go first jo!!" the trio giggled "well im jo and i'm 19 years old, im based in japan and i have an older brother." simply introduced jo himself "i'm sunoo, i'm 17 yrs old, i'm from korea and i have an older sister"

"are we really gon-" "just introduce yourself don't ruin the mood!" sunoo stated chuckling "alr.. i'm jungwon, i'm 18, i like dogs and i also have an older sister"

"wow what's with the older siblings" laughed jo while taking his phone out "what's your guys @? i'm gonna post a photo if that's okay." politey asked jo while handing his phone to jungwon to add their usernames

"t-there you go!" stuttered jungwon as he handed the phone back to jo "is there something wrong" asked sunoo worried "nope it's nothing!" laughed jungwon as they took a photo

"t-there you go!" stuttered jungwon as he handed the phone back to jo "is there something wrong" asked sunoo worried "nope it's nothing!" laughed jungwon as they took a photo

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Liked by @prettysun and 283 others
@jojojoss23: with @prettysun & @sheep3won 💓

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@prettysun: I HAD SO MUCH FUN!!
@sheep3won: YESSS
@jojojoss23: ME TOO!!!

@mak11gg: plan is still on right?
@jojojoss23: yep


"mistyyyy!!!" yelled sunoo happily as he saw his cat waiting for him at the front door "i'm so sorry did i keep you wai- what are you doing here.." said sunoo as he saw his lover standing infront of the staircase

"for you of course what else would i be here for?" chuckled niki "where were you? it's 7pm." asked niki while walking closer to sunoo

"i was at the new cafe near the school with jungwonie and jo" answered sunoo while petting misty who was in his arms resting "who's jo?" niki walked closer to sunoo

"my new friend! i met him today and we met him at the cafe so we decided to hangout" sunoo said as he took his shoes off "you look hot in my jacket love" said niki as he gave the younger a kiss on the lips before walking away.

"o-okay." blushed sunoo while making his way to his room with misty.

"ahh that feels much more comfortable" said sunoo walking out of his bedroom in his pjs "hey what are you doing?" sunoo sat next to niki

"just.. reading" answered niki while his eyes were stuck to the book not paying attention to sunoo what so ever "wow niki reading a book? what is this a prank?" sarcastically said sunoo

niki chuckled at sunoos response "btw have you seen my phone? i cant seem to find it.." sunoo searched for his beloved phone while niki was just laughing

"whatever it's fine.. anyways what are you reading~" sunoo hugged niki's arm "oh it's nothing haha" said niki closing the book as soon as sunoo hugged his arm

"niki.. what are you hiding from me?." asked sunoo trying to get the book "are you reading naughty things?!?" suddenly said sunoo sounding angry "woah chill sweetie, did you forget that i'm 19 and your 17?! HAH" laughed niki while running away with the book in his hands

"GET BACK HERE!" shouted sunoo as he chased niki trying to get the book "TRY TO GET IT FROM ME" shouted back niki while running upstairs

"IM GONNA GET YOU!!!" yelled the younger until he fell on his knees "owww" whined sunoo while holding his knee "what's wrong? are you alr??" said niki while checking up on sunoo "yeah i'm alr- HAH GUESS WHO HAS THE BOOK NOW" shouted sunoo running away with the book he has stolen from niki

"HEY THATS CHEATING" niki tried to grab it back "no now let me see what you have been re- niki." said sunoo as he opened the book "NIKI YOU FUCKER HAVE YOU BEEN READING MY DIARY FROM MY PHONE?!?!?" shouted sunoo angerly "sorry but i couldn't help it~"

"where did you last stop at" sunoo out his diary notes on lock mode on his phone "the one before the last-" "NIKI IM GONNA KILL YOU" yelled sunoo sitting on niki who was laying on the ground hitting and slapping him

"WOAH CHILL LOVE, i mean i did enjoy the things you said about me~" chuckled niki while hugging sunoo who was still hitting him "UGH!" sunoo got off niki and went upstairs to his room

"since when did he get so good at hitting people" said niki as he got up from the floor and making his way to the younger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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