Chapter 7 || 7장

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" wonnieeeee hiii" i said half asleep "SUNSHIN- what happened to you.." "i didnt get enough sleep yesterday because i kept hearing noises" i said with droopy eyes "what kind of noises?" "it sounded like it was coming from the window?" "weird, maybe you should check it out" "HEY GUYSSS" we heard a familiar voice calling out "hii jakey" "hi jake hyung" i managed to say "what's wrong with him-" jake said messing up sunoos already messed up hair as jungwon explained to jake what happened

"ahhhh, aish sunoo this is why you shouldn't  give you location to random people" "i never did?" i said walking and my eyes shot open as jake said that "WHAT IF YOU HAVE A STALKER?!??" jungwon said yelling "first of DONT YELL, second of all stalker my ass the only person who's a stalker is you stalking jay" i said with an eye roll followed by a hair flip with my imaginary hair joking obviously

A/U Pov
8th period started and sunoo made his way to his class, he entered his class and saw niki siting in his desk even though his seat was next to Sunoo's "Niki move this is my seat and get your crusty musty shoes off my desk, aish" sunoo said with an annoying tone "well you can always sit on my lap shorty, it's always available" niki stated to sunoo and winked at him but sunoo felt like someone was staring at him and that someone was not niki..

Sunoo's Pov
ur was the day for our camping trip!! i was so excited since i never really go anywhere. i packed my bag and wore my clothes, i wore a hoodie with cargo pants and a mini bag to keep my stuff. i put my lip balm, charger, headphones, hand cream, gums and we will be staying there for the whole weekend so i decided to pack some skincare such as face mask, moisturizer, toner pads and sunscreen!!

i heard a honk outside and it was my ride. niki
i went out with my bag and got into the car "hey shorty, you excited for the trip?" he said while starting to drive "yes. but it would've been better if you weren't here" "that blush on your face says otherwise" he said chuckling. i covered my face by looking out the window "awh someone's shy" he teased "shut up niki and drive" was all i could say

we arrived at the camp and saw the others there and followed by four other people, they must be the friends jay invited! "you guys finally arrived" jay stated "how about you guys introduce yourselves?" heeseung said to the guys "hi im k" "nicholas" "ej" "taki" they introduced themselves "hi im sunoo" i said waving my hands and bowing.

"so did you guys decide on who's gon sleep with who?" sunghoon suddenly stated "true we can't just all sleep in the same room." jake said raising his brows "oh uh yes jungwon did, right?" jay said staring at jungwon, it was obvious that he likes him right?? "y-yes didnt i send you guys the room planning?" wonnie stated while getting his phone out to check

"oh well, so the people who will share are Me and Jay, Jake and Ice prince, Nicholas and ej, taki and k, Niki and sunoo and heeseung buddy your gon have that room all to your self." jungwon stated with a smirk while looking at me with a teasing look, i widened my eyes and turned to niki who was behind me, he was just smirking and i groaned. it's gon be pain in the ass.

i was unpacking my bag and niki was playing games? we just got here.. "did you come here just to play games?" i chuckled "childish" i mumbled after. "what was that shorty? childish? says the one who cries when someone steals their ice cream." he stated laughing while playing and i just stood there with a blush on my face. embarrassing..

after an hour or two i've finished packing and Niki also got off his game, i went downstairs and saw jay setting the table up preparing for dinner. i sat on the couch and went on my phone scrolling through instagram. "wahh these kitten videos makes me miss misty so much" i mumbled frowning "misty? who's misty?" i heard a deep voice say in my left ear, i turned to see who it was and it was..

niki staring at my phone and back to me, i shouldn't have turned around because our faces were INCHS apart which made me blush instantly "u-uh misty is my cat!" i said looking away "mm, do you like dogs?" niki suddenly questioned "yes i love dogs!! but i saw misty all alone by the road so i decided to take him home.." i said turning to him while he was scooting away a little so i could talk. he just hummed in response and went on his phone. what was that..

same room???? 😏

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