Chapter 12 || 12장

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it was morning and looks like i was the first to wake up. i checked my phone to see what time it was. it was 7:28 am, why wake up so early..
i turned my back towards the nightstand and met niki's eyes "good morning baby" he said in his sleepy voice "good morning" i said blushing "did you sleep well?" "mhm but i think i'll get a few more hours of sleep" i said and he just hummed in response while staring into my eyes then my lips and back at my eyes.

ha suddenly smirked and spoke "where's my morning kiss?" he said waiting for me to kiss him "i'm really tired and i think i should go to sleep sogoodnightgoodmorninggoodwhateveriloveyougoodnighttttttttt" i said turning around trying to go to sleep but he made me face him again by turning me around by the waist and gave me a wet kisses all over my face

and lastly he reached my lips and gave me a long passionate kiss which made me giggle. he gave me a peck on the cheek before getting up "aren't you gonna go to sleep with me?" i said giving him puppy eyes "awh you miss me already?~" he said in a teasing tone "you know what never mind, goodnight" i said turning around and stuffing my face into the blanket

"cmon i was joking, ill go get water and come back alright baby?" he said making his way out the bedroom door going to the kitchen i patiently waited for him and my eye lids were getting heavier each second, i was about to fall asleep when suddenly a door slam woke me up

"sorry love i woke you up.." said niki as he walked over to the bed and laid next to me. i hummed in response as i was slowly falling asleep again

i woke up due to noises, i rubbed my eyes as i slowly opened my eyes. i saw that niki was packing our bags and the others shouting downstairs "are we going?" i asked since they were packing "yep did you sleep well? i packed your bag btw so you don't have to worry about that" said niki as he came and gave me my packed bag as he messed up my messy hair

"t-thank you" i said blushing "no problem baby" he said returning to packing his game set

i got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. i did my morning routine and changed my clothes before going downstairs where everyone was

"everyone ready to go?" said k as he opened the front door "wahh i had such a good time with you guys i hope we can hang out again!" said taki as we were walking out the cabin "same i had so much fun" i said "how about we hang out again in the holiday?" said ej "YES i mean yes sure" said sunghoon

some were in the car while the others were bidding their goodbyes. sunoo and niki were alone in the car waiting for the others to start going.

"lower the volume your not alone you know.." sunoo said glaring at niki who was playing games "how about a no?" "what do you mean??" "wanna hear it in japanese īe." said niki annoying the latter. sunoo rolled his eyes as he was on his phone

"roll your pretty eyes at me again and i'll bend you over and make you scream my name right here and right now." whispered niki in the younger ears

sunoo did not believe niki and rolled his eyes again "oh so you want it? just wait when we get home" whispered niki again in a devilish tone making sunoos eyes widen knowing he wasn't joking

"IM SORRY ALR SORR- IM 17!!!!" sunoo shouted "oh i know baby that was just a little warning" niki said laughing at the youngers reaction

niki saw that the others were on the road already as he started the car. he started driving and sunoo could not take his eyes off of niki's veiny hands around the steering wheel

niki took one sunoos hands and intertwined it as he was focused on the road, sunoo couldn't help but blush

niki took one sunoos hands and intertwined it as he was focused on the road, sunoo couldn't help but blush

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Liked by @laylasdad and 748 others
@pretty.sun: 🤭 (@riki_mj6)

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@pretty.sun: sunki? OH OH SINCE WHEN
@laylasdad: ever since you two met duh!

@user2194652: ..

Drama coming people 🤭🎀

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