track 004

215 15 24


after like


Yunjin had big news.

As in, life-changing, timeline-altering, universe-ripping news.

Oh, and news-that-would-give-Kim-Chaewon-a-brain-aneurysm.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Chaewon shrieked, practically having a seizure.

"I- um."

Yunjin grinned sheepishly, staring at her best friend, who was actually clutching her chest in pure shock. Abstract syllables fell from Chaewon's lips as she stuttered in total astonishment, her breath coming in short gasps.

For one without context, it would appear that Chaewon was either having a seizure or discovering that her family member had just died. But to Yunjin, it was confusing: a good or bad sign?

"Why didn't you tell me?" Chaewon shrieked. "Applications released last week! I thought you got into your zoned school and were too disappointed to say anything! I was going to- well, that doesn't matter now, but still! Huh Yunjin!"

"Sorry," Yunjin mumbled, but she couldn't hold in her laughter at Chaewon's adorable angry face. She giggled quietly, and the pout on Chaewon's face widened as the other girl struggled to keep her composure.

"Don't laugh at me! This is serious! You didn't tell me you got into your dream school! A.K.A. my school! Yunjin!"

"Sorry," Yunjin laughed, but she was still trying to hold back snorts. Chaewon's eyebrows were adorably furrowed now. "I'm laughing because you look cute."

Chaewon's jaw dropped, and Yunjin wanted to squeal because of how cute it looked. She was speechless for a moment, then launched back into conversation, stuttering over her words. "I- This- Don't flatter me! Yunjin!"

"Okay, sorry," Yunjin amended, sobering up, staring Chaewon in the eyes. "I'm sorry, I really am, I should've told you earlier."

"It's fine, I guess," Chaewon said huffily, but then her face expanded into an ear-to-ear smile. "Which program?"

"Music. Vocal music."

"YOU GOT INTO HYBE HIGH FOR VOCAL MUSIC?" Chaewon clutched her chest again, and Yunjin feared for a split second that she would have a heart attack or at least faint. "DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THAT IS?!"

"Um. Yes. I really didn't like the applications?"


Yunjin couldn't hold it in anymore and burst into laughter. They were standing by Yunjin's middle school, and she was in eighth grade- fourteen- as a fifteen-year-old, freshman-year Chaewon stood in front of her, gaping. Other students were exiting the school, some watching them from afar. They had become to the duo's friendship, but there were several rumors surrounding the two, so crumbs were always appreciated.

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