track 006

195 16 17


forget me


"We've got to change you, Yun."

"Say what?"

Kazuha stood, arms crossed, at the foot of Yunjin's bed. "We have to show Chaewon that you've changed."

"But I haven't, not really."

Kazuha snorted. They were in the girls' shared apartment, water boiling in the kitchen, cars honking outside the windows. It was a Saturday, thank God, so Yunjin was free from work- Kazuha from college- and they were spending their time at home.

"There's no way you haven't changed in three years, Yun. We're doing something about this. No more brown hair, no more neutral makeup. We're transforming you."

Yunjin's jaw dropped. "You mean... you're giving me a... wedding glow-up?"

"Yup!" Kazuha grinned good-naturedly. "You said Chaewon likes your brown hair, right? Well, does it matter what she likes now?"

Yunjin winced, and Kazuha waved her hands apologetically. "Sorry. I know it'll feel like you're losing a part of her. But I want you to try to get over that, Yunjin. You deserve the world and more, and if she doesn't see that, it's not your job to keep bending to her expectations. Bestow a little fear! Show a little skin! Have a little fun! Where's the Yunjin that went out for breakup drinking the night we met? Come on!"

Appreciation flooded Yunjin's gut. Kazuha was a really good friend, and more than that, she was right. Kazuha's words had boosted Yunjin's spirits nearly tenfold, and the fact that she was being so supportive warmed her heart. It meant so much that Kazuha was here, knowing all about the whole Chaewon-Yunjin mess, and still there.

"Thanks, Zuha."

"It's what I'm here for, Yun! Now, get your ass up. We're going shopping."





"Definitely the fuck no."

"Okay, okay, fine."

Kazuha and Yunjin were standing in the huge Macy's in New York City- Manhattan, specifically- shopping for clothes. Kazuha had just pointed out a gorgeous black tube top hanging from a rack, and while Yunjin adored it just as much as she did, the little innocent price tag was absolutely nowhere inside her budget.

"Zuha, you've got taste more expensive than I can afford," Yunjin sighed. "I love you to death, but if you break my wallet, I'm kicking you out."

"Yun! I pay the rent! I have a job! I help!"

"You don't pay any rent, you dumbass! I own the apartment! I have a mortgage!"

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