track 013

274 22 15


from the start


"Kazuha, I swear to God, I will murder you and roast what's left of you over a fire, then cook your ashes into ramen."

"Sorry, unnie~"

"Stop trying to do aegyo. You look like you're having a seizure."

"Hey! Sakura thi-"

"I don't give two shits about what she thinks!"

Yunjin and Kazuha were arguing, yet again, at the kitchen counter. Eunchae was doing break homework on the couch, trying desperately to tune the conversation out, while Jihyo, out of hopelessness, had retreated to the upstairs office to work. Daniel was out in the city working, so he wasn't home to hear the argument.

Yunjin was angry because Kazuha had scheduled yet another meeting with Sakura and decided to drag Yunjin along. This time, they were going to Taehyun's gallery to see his newest exhibit. He had invited Sakura and Chaewon and said they could bring guests along- exposure was good for him- and Kazuha was the first person Sakura thought of, and naturally if Kazuha went Yunjin had to go too.

"Do I have to go?"

"You have to witness my flirting skills."

"Your what-"

Eventually, after fifteen more minutes of back-and-forth and Eunchae's tortured wails of, "Just go! I can't take your yelling anymore!" Yunjin had relented, and she was going. The exhibit was in two hours, and genius Kazuha had totally forgotten to mention the event to Yunjin, so Yunjin panicked.

However, they still had their new clothes and things from the day before, so while Kazuha speed-showered, Yunjin unpacked the clothes.

Yunjin ended up wearing an orange-red-green wool sweater and baggy gray jeans, her red hair pulled into a braid and black glasses perched on her nose. Kazuha, meanwhile, wore a gray crochet top and black slacks, a black blazer slung lazily over her shoulders. She left her hair down and did natural makeup, giving her a dashing sort of look, while Yunjin looked like the bookish art nerd.

Bookish art nerds, though, didn't wear MAC lipstick, and Kazuha actually gasped when Yunjin put the lipstick on.

"You look amazing, unnie. She'll be all over you, all night."

Yunjin could only manage a weak smile, but her heart was battering her ribcage at the thought of Chaewon.



Kazuha waved as she and Yunjin approached Sakura, who was standing with Chaewon and two other men.

Yunjin kept her head down. She was wearing a black jacket to combat the soft chill, and she didn't dare meet anyone in the eye, keeping her hands in her pockets.

"It's so good to see you, hi," Kazuha greeted, keeping her hellos polite, smiling and leaning over to give Sakura a gentle peck on the cheek. Yunjin had never seen her this interested in anyone, so it warmed her heart. "You must be Taehyun. It's an honor."

Taehyun, who was only three inches taller than Kazuha, had big, serious eyes and curtain bangs. He leaned over and shook Kazuha's hand professionally. "It's a pleasure. And you are...?"

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