track 010

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when she loved me


"Yunjin, I have some news."

The girl in question was lying on the Huh-Hong family living room couch, blankly watching TV, cuddled in a blanket with her ginger hair splayed over her face like a curtain. The poser of the question was Kazuha- currently dressed in sweatpants and a crop top- who was leaning against the room's doorframe, arms crossed.

"Don't wanna hear it if it's bad."

"You've been moping around ever since we got to Korea," Kazuha whined, marching over and dropping on the couch next to Yunjin. Yunjin harrumphed, her hair dropping in a new position on her face and the blanket slipping off of her. "If it's because of Chaewon, then you need to find something new to worry about."

"I agree!" a new voice- Eunchae- squeaked, jumping on the couch next to Yunjin. The blanket slipped off completely, and Yunjin made garbled noises of dissent, crossing her arms. "Chaewon unnie is where she is. You can't mope too much, Yunjinnie. You have to be happy."

"Since when did the smiley potato become so mature?" Yunjin grumbled. Over the past few days, she had descended into the pits of couch potato depression, snacking and listening to glum music and stalking Chaewon's Instagram.

"Since I saw my big sister being mopey about her ex-girlfriend."

"Hey! I'm not mopey," Yunjin accused, but when Kazuha rolled on top of her to get a better view of the TV screen (which had Korean subtitles) she huffed and made a grumpy noise.

"Yes you are, Jinnie, you're very mopey, and honestly, you need to figure out what you need to do about it," Kazuha said realistically from her perch on Yunjin's lap. "First, you need to figure out whatever dynamic you've got going with Chaewon, and see how you feel about her. Next, you need to figure out exactly- sorry about this, Eunchae- what the fuck you're going to do."

"I'm in high school, unnie. I've heard the word before."

Kazuha snorted a laugh, and Yunjin rolled her eyes from her lying-down position on the couch. "High school was great. Just watch out for the Korean artists who happen to break your heart at a bus stop."

"Yeah, 'cause I'm sure that's oh-so-common at schools here, Yunjin," Kazuha snickered in reply. "Manchae, better watch out for Chaewon lookalikes, because Yunjin will either snatch them away or try to burn their homes down."

"Hey," Yunjin protested weakly.

Eunchae was already giggling.

"Hey, Eunchae, what's that guy saying?" Kazuha asked, gesturing to the screen. Kazuha's only languages were English and Japanese, and while Yunjin was trilingual- English, Korean, and conversational Japanese- Eunchae could only speak to Kazuha in English. Having lived in the States for a few years before Daniel and Jihyo got married, she knew some English, but it wasn't fantastic. Sometimes, when Yunjin visited (which was not often at all) she would bring Kazuha, but Jihyo, always being out of town on business trips, had never met her. Yunjin had only been to Korea twice, for two days each, in four years.

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