track 012

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we're good


"Fuckin' hate hangovers."

"Kazuha, please, language," Jihyo begged, but she had mostly given up, as the girl's dirty mouth was a losing battle. Eunchae, Yunjin, and Kazuha sat around the counter as Jihyo made rice in the kitchen. "Eunchae has not experienced a hangover yet."

"I don't think I ever want to," Eunchae announced, staring at Kazuha. "She looks... fried."

"More like bruised. You cover up hickeys really badly, Zuha," Yunjin interjected. She had her head propped on her arms as she boredly scrolled through her phone.

"Hey!" Kazuha yelped just as Jihyo screeched, "Yunjin!" and Eunchae covered her ears.

"What? It's so obvious that she got banged by Sakura last night," Yunjin grumbled. Then she perked up, smirking. "Well, did she have that impressive pair of lungs you fantasized about?"

"Shut it," Kazuha whispered, switching to Japanese. "But, uh, between us, yes, she definitely did."

"Will you be doing it again?" Yunjin queried in the same language, stealing a few pickled vegetables from a bowl on the counter.

"Hopefully. I don't know though, she's got this guy Taehyun after her, and he even showed up to her door last night," Kazuha muttered. "It was fucking weird. I almost ran out on her, but she explained it."

"Kang Taehyun? Oh yeah, Chaewon mentioned him," Yunjin commented offhandedly.

"Chaewon did what?!" Kazuha shrieked. "You could have mentioned that?!"

"We had an argument. Or, well, she kept trying to talk to me and I brushed her off and left."

"Oh my god, Yunjin," Kazuha scolded, half angry, half impressed. "I mean, good job. But really. You two need to talk this shit out."

"First, she has to figure out whatever our relationship is, then we can go from there," Yunjin muttered.

Just then, a new voice entered the conversation. "Care to share, anyone?"

Eunchae and Jihyo were staring at Kazuha and Yunjin in complete bewilderment, and it was only then that it hit Yunjin that neither of them spoke Japanese.

"Oh, shit sorry," Kazuha apologized quickly. "I mean- um- sorry."

"Language," Jihyo practically wailed, setting the dishes on the table. 

"Sorry, Mama Huh, I'm trying, I promise," Kazuha sighed, pouting. "Anyway, me and Jinnie were just talking about Sakura and this guy who's after her."

"Kang Taehyun, I assume?"

Jihyo's face was curious as she looked across the table at them, propping her head up on her hands.

"The- uh- the freak? How does everyone know this guy?" Kazuha's outraged voice made Yunjin snort and Eunchae giggle.

"He's pretty well-known in most sculpting circles, or at least his work is. He's known specifically for his competence in the field despite his youth, and several people close to him have reported that he's got kind of a one-track mind when it comes to his work. And his life," Jihyo informed them as she opened a drawer, taking out chopsticks. "He's used to getting what he wants- he has two currently ongoing exhibits, five upcoming ones, three galleries, and hundreds of buyers clamoring for his work. Plus, he's best friends with Yeonjun."

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