track 009

230 18 6


one last time


Chaewon and Yunjin hadn't spoken in nearly a week.

The distance was scaring Yunjin half to death- texts going unanswered, calls going declined, ignored glances in halls. Whenever Yunjin tried to approach Chaewon in the halls, Chaewon would look away, or talk to her friends.

It was like losing a part of Yunjin. It was losing her girlfriend.

Chaewon's reaction made it fifty times worse when she strolled through the halls, walking rapidly, talking with her friends- the friends that Chaewon had told Yunjin multiple times were some of the fakest people she'd ever met, and would rather knife herself than hang out with them again- and ignoring Yunjin.

Chaewon grinned, talking rapidly with them as she walked. She was dressed in a miniskirt and sweater- clothes she would never wear around Yunjin, Chaewon hated miniskirts- and had books in one hand and her phone in the other. Chaewon had burned away her senior year alternately working and partying from what Yunjin had seen and heard, and now her impending studies and exams were beginning to impact her.

Yunjin couldn't speak from experience.

Chaewon hadn't spoken to her recently.

"Can we talk?"

The group of girls stopped, almost comically, and stared Yunjin down.

"Sorry, honey, if you want to talk, get in the line," one girl smirked. Lia. She and Chaewon had been friends for years, and she always rivaled Yunjin for Chaewon's attention although Yunjin was the one dating her.

"You're in the hallway?" Yunjin queried, her voice questioning. Lia's insult made no sense.

"Yeah, it's called an entrance, bestie," Vivi snickered. Vivi was another member of their little gang, and her small face was the envy of many others in the school. However, her nasty personality scared just as many away from her.

Chaewon's little gang- Lia, Vivi, Lynn, Harvey, and Maya- were the mean girls of HYBE High. Popular and talented, they ruled the school, and Chaewon had gotten a ticket in not just because of her looks, but because all six of them had been finalists in one of the school's many art competitions. The five girls had never acknowledged Yunjin as a valuable part of school society, and even though she was widely known as 'Chaewon's girlfriend of four years,' the group never really took her in, instead constantly pointing out to Chaewon more socially acceptable people she could jump on instead.

"Sorry, whatever." Yunjin turned to Chaewon in a panic, but the older girl was staring at her impassively. "Can we please talk? Please?"

"She's busy and we don't talk to juniors," Lynn smirked, smacking gum between her teeth. "We're on working hours. Maybe another year. But oh, Chaewon will be in college by then, right? Too bad, should've tapped another junior when you got the chance."

Yunjin stood her ground. Yes, she was being publicly humiliated. But her girlfriend- her best friend since kindergarten- was doing absolutely fucking nothing to stop it.


Yunjin's voice came out so ice-cold that Chaewon's eyes snapped up to her.

"If you don't talk to me right now, or schedule a date-"

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