track 007

190 15 4


queen of the party



A comforting hand was placed on Yunjin's back, but that did nothing to distract her from the raging nerves in her stomach. In the past forty-eight hours, she had been nervous, terrified, hyped-up, confident, anxious again, and finally, scared for her life and hyperventilating on a flight to Incheon Airport.

"Yun, it's okay."

Yunjin's chest rose and fell rapidly, and she quietly choked out nervous syllables, trying not to alert any flight attendants. "She's- she's gonna be at the airport, she- she told my parents- and she's gonna bring a friend and oh my God Yeonjun might be there and I cannot see them together-"


An abrupt slap brought Yunjin back to earth- or, as close to earth as she could be, seeing as she was about forty thousand feet off the ground.

Kazuha sat there, looking a mix of guilty and oddly delighted, her hand still raised from the slap. Her hair was slightly ruffled from the flight, and she wore a white crop top, baggy jeans, and a sweater. "Sorry. I didn't know how else to calm you down."

"It's fine, thank you," Yunjin mumbled, her fingers twisting endlessly in her lap. For her first meeting back with Chaewon, she had opted to leave her new ginger hair down to make the biggest impact, but had it curled currently in a beanie on top of her head. Kazuha had picked out a red lipstick that made her features pop beautifully, and dressed her in blue high-waisted baggy jeans with rips. Yunjin had stressed over the appropriateness of the outfit, but Kazuha had reassured her that it was fine. For her top, Yunjin wore a white T-shirt and black leather jacket, which she was currently buried in like a blanket.

"You're gonna be great. You look killer. She'll regret she ever left you."

The last words dropped from Kazuha's mouth unbidden, but Yunjin was grateful for them. She still was very, extremely, painfully in love with Chaewon, but there were miles of blockage in their way- plus all the complex emotions radiating like thunder from the breakup.

The flight landing announcement rang over the PA system, and Yunjin jumped, frantically fumbling for her phone to use as a mirror. "Do I look okay? Kazuha!"

Kazuha remained calm, leaning over to brush an eyelash from Yunjin's face. "As I said, you look killer. You've got this. You're amazing! You're Huh Yunjin! You can do this!"

Kazuha's golden-retriever smile and confident energy relaxed Yunjin considerably as the plane landed, and shortly after Yunjin stood. Both she and Kazuha were tall- Yunjin one inch taller- so they had to duck, but managed to navigate their way out of the plane successfully.

"Fuck, where are they," Yunjin cursed when they exited the gate and she didn't see anyone she recognized.

But then she did.

Yunjin's jaw hit the floor as she saw her parents and sister, standing by the seats, holding a sign with her name on it and each flashing megawatt smiles.

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