track 011

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"I hate this outfit. And you. Kazuha, why did you make me do this?"

"I didn't make you do shit, Yun," Kazuha answered breezily. The pair were walking through the nighttime streets of Itaewon, dressed for dancing, a leather jacket wrapped around Kazuha's shoulders and a checkered flannel around Yunjin's. Kazuha was dressed in ripped black jeans and a cropped tube top to show off her abs, while Yunjin was outfitted in gray flare jeans to show off her long legs and a black tank top, matched with her checkered flannel. "You agreed to come with me."

"You got Eunchae to do aegyo or some shit. I never would've gone with you otherwise," Yunjin reasoned, burying her hands deep in the flannel pockets. "This is such a stupid idea. I'm gonna get my heart broken again while you get knocked up by my ex's best friend."

Kazuha snorted, which set Yunjin off giggling too. "I guess it does sound pretty messed up when you put it that way."

"It was messed up the whole time!" Yunjin giggled, and Kazuha laughed and shoved her in response. Yunjin elbowed her back, and the pair straggled along, both snickering and throwing banter back at each other.

"It's not that messed up, you know. Just a little bit."

"Shut up, remember that time I picked up a girl at the club and two weeks later she walked out of your bedroom?"

Kazuha burst into cackles. "Oh my god! I forgot about that! That girl was so tall, like did you see the pair of legs on her?"

"I mostly looked at her face, but naturally someone short like you would have to keep your eyes down there," Yunjin snorted in reply, causing Kazuha to gasp.

"Bitch! I'm an inch shorter than you, shut the fuck up!"

They were so caught up in teasing each other that neither realized they had reached the club, and the majority of their conversation had just been overheard by Chaewon and Sakura.

"So you're Yunjin," Sakura spoke. She was average height- 5'4, Chaewon's height exactly- and had a softly rounded, slightly squared face. Her hair was blue and streaming down her back, bangs fringing gently above her large doe eyes. She wore a cropped white T-shirt and denim shorts. "I'm Sakura. Nice to meet you. And you must be Kazuha."

Kazuha didn't reply, instead gaping at the older girl in surprise. She then finally broke into movement, responding in rapid, embarrassed Japanese. "Sorry, I... I, uh, don't speak Korean."

Sakura smiled, instantly switching to Japanese. "Oh, no worries! I just said nice to meet you and that I'm Sakura. Kazuha, right?"

"Yeah. Hi. Um, wow. Coincidence, right?"

Sakura smiled, and Yunjin snorted at Kazuha, who looked like she was about to collapse because of how weak her knees had gotten. "Definitely. Isn't that crazy? It really is a small world."

Big enough for Chaewon to move away and not see me for four years, Yunjin almost said. She hadn't even met Chaewon's eyes yet, even the older girl was standing right there, dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt. Not really a club outfit, but then again, Chaewon looked good in anything.

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