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the three of us entered the media room to find that everybody was already there. the walk back was mostly bachira peeking into every room because he thought it was the media room. never trust bachira for directions..

bachira and isagi never mentioned what happened back in the indoor training field during the walk, which was good because i didn't want to talk about it.

"hey l/n look! my rank went up! it's 272 now!" naruhaya said, running over to me while isagi was setting me down onto the ground.

"oh really? that's great." i replied, looking over my shoulder to find the number 275 engraved on it.

naruhaya looked at my new ranking and gave me a grin.

"all of our ranks went up a bit!!" naruhaya exclaimed. sometimes he reminds me of an older version of b/n due to his childlike behavior, which was somewhat comforting in a place full of arrogant football enthusiasts.

"nice work you lumps of talent. are you enjoying life in blue lock?"

jinpachi ego showed up on the screen, waving his hand at us.


"he's right! i wanna eat some real food!" naruhaya said, placing his hands behind his head nonchalantly.

"didn't you eat my gyoza..?" gagamaru muttered to naruhaya, who wasn't listening or chose to ignore gagamaru.

"the reason why it's so shitty is because you're all shitty at football, dumbass." ego replied to raichi. he definitely woke up and chose violence today..

"allow me to say a little about blue lock.."

mr. ego pulled up a hologram with his hands onto the tv screen, showing a holographic display of five pentagons with letters inside them.

"this facility is composed of five wings. teams b through z, twenty five in total are split into groups of five and are living together in each wing."

"oh and by the way, since one person was kicked out of each room during tag, there are currently two hundred seventy-five of you in blue lock."

"you're split into teams in order of rank. ranks one through eleven are in team b. twelve through twenty two are in team c."

"your team z is in the lowest ranked of the five wings.. wing five. additionally, your team is made of the bottom tier in this wing, two hundred sixty-five to two hundred seventy-five."

two hundred seventy-five.. so i'm still the last person out of all the participants in blue lock. to be fair, i wasn't able to participate in the stamina test so it sorta made sense that my ranking never changed.

"DON'T LUMP ME IN WITH THIS TRASH!" raichi shouted, glaring at all of us 'trash'. as if he wasn't one of us as well.

"look who's talking, trash." kunigami said, glaring at raichi with a vein popping out of his forehead. the ONE time i agree with kunigami.

"come on, let's calm down guys.." kuon said while nervously stepping in between the two to block their view of each other. mommy kuon saves the day!

"those in the upper ranks are enjoying good food and training in the top wing and are living a lifestyle befitting a top striker."

"whoever is best at football here is king. if you want a nice life here, then win and boost yourselves."

"now then, let's begin blue lock's first selection."

ego death | blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now