TLTSU Part 1 AN Astronordic Nomads

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Tensions escalated on Mars 3.1 billion years ago, as a civilization struggled to adhere to warning signs the planet was ushering in to survive.

The numerous catastrophic events threatened to wipe them out. They inhabited their home planet, Olympiad Supmyloo, the cast-out moon of Mighty Jupiter Protector of All the realm of Anu empire, and were part of the external System known as Para-Genesis They remember. Through their dreams. The past lives they lived so long ago, the nomadic Space-faring races called Astrialnordic.

Despite the challenges, they managed to survive. There were two groups - the Co Coraki, who lived above the surface and were immune to the burn of the nearby sun, and those who lived beneath the planet's rotating surface. Where Oxygen breathers, they breathe the air of Aqufa

She stood there waiting to be called. Her name had no last name, one of the Casteless ones. An outcast of society, she has been pushed aside. As someone larger with more power, whoever it was pushed in line, forcing Shellura to say something.

Already letting 3 people in front of her. That's just who she was, patient kind and willing to die to defend a friend if he made one. Many people know each other down in Orcus Patera crater. The mythological location where the mighty Zeus built his empire.

She was among the three hundred thousand homeless people gathered in small underground cities. Pockets of civilisation left after the great cast out of their planet to the edge of the solar system to near the sun in a week, somehow the Planet the high burns called Planet X comes around once every 34,567 years.

And it comes to a close this time, sending their planet flying into the solar system. Three rouge planets were cut from the Empire when they were sent here. But after going past Saturn and the other planets, the story

Was that we landed here? Next to an old world said to be the cradle of all life in the universe. From this solar system, we come. That was fascinating to Shellura. She had always been imaginative, but adults say Dreams are just from the heart breathers, needing us to give them air. She kicked the boy who cut the line before her. Not knowing what she.

He turned, and she realised it was a large, female C02 Guzzleer. They stank and had the worst body oder and breath. As they dont exhale anything beneficial. Most Co2 guzzlers have a slave they use to breathe. Those who exhale Co2 are enslav3d as Air fornthe 5 families of the old empire.

Carbon dioxide breather She pushed her back and howled like a beast. Her dusty, dirty clothing almost had its stench. Like it was not somthing they cared about.

Saying nothing, she clutched her first and threw the red dust in her eyes. Then, she decked her with a move she was thinking of. About since she has seen this bully. The others laughed when the big one was.

Flipped over onto the ground and huffed out. The dust wave was followed by the mummer of the crowd.

Astrialnordic Nomads Part 2.

The light of the sun barely reached down this deep in the crater, but at that moment, she shined with a light unseen in these parts. After she has seen the bully turn tail and run. She took her place in line. Getodour served sheet dustwasn'tt tasty it was the only food they had in the world that was different now.

The pair stood far enough away to not be heard by Ellora. She kept her mind open as she closed her eyes, waiting for her ancestors to show her the vision. She heard so many people speak of it as if It rarely happened something like her.

The lower and castless, with no last name, meant they were lower than the lowest on the ladder of resources and food. Division, no her kind, won't get water much as slaves and breathers from the CO2 chuggers who don't have an imagination like the free, O2 Slaves who sometimes dream. She always looked up into the small flicker of light among the hundred thousand shacks that litter the crater. Mt Olympiad please hear my prayers. "Save those worthy, and save those not, save them, Evan when they don't," She lifted her arm and let go with a breath.

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