Part 13: Discovering the Bone Helmet's Use*

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As the fire crackled and Arcadius worked on his makeshift glass furnace, Shellura and Noahkah kept a vigilant watch. The beach, though serene, was an unfamiliar territory, and they couldn't afford to take any risks.

Arcadius's ingenuity was impressive. Using a pot, he carefully placed the sand inside and began heating it with pieces of iron. As the temperature rose, the sand started to melt, slowly transforming into a molten substance. It was a painstaking process, but Arcadius was patient and meticulous.

While working, Arcadius explained his thoughts. "The glass in our helmets is not just for visibility but for protection against flying debris and possibly other hazards. If we can create a new glass layer, we can ensure our helmets are secure again."

Shellura, always curious, watched intently. "And you're sure this will work?"

Arcadius nodded. "It should. Once the sand is fully melted, I'll pour it into a mould I've made from more sand. After it cools and solidifies, we'll have new glass."

Noahkah, still monitoring their surroundings, added, "It's a smart move. This simulation tests our resourcefulness. If we can adapt and use what we have, we'll survive."

Hours passed, and finally, Arcadius had a piece of glass ready. It wasn't perfect, but it would serve its purpose. Carefully, he fitted it into his helmet, securing it in place.

With the helmet fixed, Arcadius felt a sense of accomplishment. "This should hold. Now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow, we need to start exploring more."

As they settled down for the night, the group felt a renewed sense of hope. They had overcome a small but significant challenge, proving their capability to survive and adapt in this simulated world.

The next morning, the group gathered their gear and set out to explore the surrounding area. Johkofu and his men, now fully integrated into the team, provided valuable insights and guidance, sharing their knowledge of the terrain and the potential threats they might face.

As they ventured deeper into the simulation, the group came across a strange structure, partially hidden by the foliage. Noahkah approached it cautiously, examining the intricate carvings and symbols etched into the surface.

"This must be the next artifact we're meant to discover," he said, his brow furrowed in concentration. "But how do we activate it?"

Shellura stepped forward, her helmet's glass glistening in the sunlight. "Let's take a closer look. There must be a clue or a mechanism we can use to interact with it."

The group spread out, carefully inspecting the structure for any signs of an entry point or activation mechanism. Arcadius, his eyes narrowed in focus, noticed a small indentation on the surface, partially obscured by moss and vines.

"I think I've found something," he called out, gesturing for the others to gather around. "This looks like it might be a pressure-sensitive panel of some kind."

Johkofu, now fully engaged in the task at hand, suggested, "Perhaps we need to apply a specific amount of force to trigger it. Let's experiment and see what happens."

One by one, the group members took turns pressing the indentation, testing the structure's response. After several attempts, Noahkah suddenly felt a vibration beneath his feet, and the ground began to shift.

"Look out!" he shouted as the structure started to transform, its components shifting and rearranging.

The group watched in awe as the artifact unfolded, revealing a hidden compartment. Inside, a peculiar object glowed with a soft, ethereal light - a helmet unlike any they had seen before.

Shellura reached out, her fingers trembling with anticipation, and gently lifted the helmet from its resting place. As she held it in her hands, a sense of purpose and responsibility washed over her.

"This must be the key to unlocking the next stage of the simulation," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But how do we use it?"

The group gathered around Shellura, their eyes fixed on the mysterious helmet, each of them wondering what secrets it held and what challenges lay ahead. Her ghost mother was speaking , and she said,

"Unite the Flock, unite the Armour. Only then you're free,"
She sensed her mother fade, ash she felt like she was a part of this, Somehow

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