Astro Nomads Part 23 Noahs Missing time

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Noahkah was holding his beek shut, not any clue who they were or what was happening. He waited for them to return, one of them covered in bones , and pelt of a huge scale, like he was a dragon hunter.

His watch, was beeping and the others who left him there didn't sound like they were his friends, "hey, whats going on how long will i be here" the guy, or gal he cant tell under the bone getup.

The stranger shrugged and grunted over at the other chage he never noticed with the Skeleton of their last prisoner.

He moved back, then took the watch and uncliped the back, pulling the battery out. He was not one to miss with an artifact, but he had to figure a way out. The cell next to him. Looked like it was close to falling off into the revene. The water had murky green, plankton like phytoplankton. But the ocean spresd out as far as the eyes can see fuether then the simulation.

Then he hears the avoice he recognised as Johkofu , only it sounded like a recording. When the sound gains in loudness, someone was approaching with one of the Devices ment to store the Didgitizer and recordings of their logs.

His sute. Luckily, he was still on him, and he quickly hacked the other one the strangers were olaying with like idiots. Almost like they worship it, and the holograms on the memory drives had 1000 years of logs. How is that.. he downloads the biggest files into his. 3 seconds later. Their drive was not working, and he covered his weist with his cloak.

Their leader seemed to drop the thing like it was unless to them now. He awaited his death. But it never came. After sifting through the logs, his internal com was still active, and the helmet rym is invisible for some reason. "Are we still inside the sim?" he wondered if they ever left.

But the air, it smelt different, and his special move to check whether it was, he knew that in the simulation he could call the omnimon. He reached out to call him. His antlion,  but nothing happens he fiddles with his ciff again sniffs the air, then hears a call, but it feels different, like somehow not exactly here. Suddenly, his antlion beast dropped from the sky, landing in the guard.

Doing a backwards kick flip, knocking several others over the edge. Her claw struck the cage. As it fell to pieces, Noahkah lent in leaping up , this time, he won't get captured that easily.

He flew off to the east but taking note of where he was, his antlion was happy 5o see him spinning around in mid air he was holding on, but he had to calm her down. Easy-easy girl rubbing her forhead she knew he was to, happy to see her but dose that mean he just summoned her, in the simulation but he felt the breeze,  and see the vastness of the new world.

As the recording of his former friends displayed a landmark in the background, it was easy to spot. But from the looks of things its been a long time since they landed, or hes somehow travelled through time, hes had things like this happen before, but not like this. Usually, he wakes up. This time, he saw it, a large structure with the ship in behind a waterfall, with only the tip visible.

He landed the antlion,  giving ut instructions to fly around for a bit, search the place for signs of the others.
As soon as he turned away back to the structure, he felt a chill go down his spine.

" Something happened here, and im going to find out!" As he walked, each step was alone, feeling the presence of Arcadius somehow. He ran into the make shift house atope the huge clift side. The memory reconstruction was almost perfect. His own Rc-Ancient wrist bracket played back a hologram of the crew.

The voice of the AI, speaking from a box on the makeshift table. Noahkah dident feel them. But seen them speaking like they habe been here for years. The AI, "named Astro-Intelligce . Shellura was speaking in a stressed tone like an impending doom was apon them.

Astro Intelligence flashed as it spoke, "The seeds are only meant to being flora at a transmuted rate, over thousands of years, something is happening to this place we are unaware of! The calculation i made was correct. An anomaly caused this. It's the only answer , snapped Arcadius James on the 5th. Who seemed rougher than he was before. Maby, it's this place, Noahkah saw the scene chage the next day,

Johkofu was speaking to the AI, " they dident come back whatever happened down there has Cyrus spooked, hes taking of strange shadowy creatures and nightmares the others dident return.

Johkofu suddenly turned around & bolted outside where Noahkah’l went to follow him. The sky was warping it looked like rainbows in the shape of an overlayline, as the holo froze the Stewart appeared, speaking to Noahkah in his mind, she said "this is whats going to happen if yoi dont make it there

Parallellalax he herd her say, then they both watched as the hologram seemed to glitch, or something.... All Noah could see was the sky riping appart into a polygooggleplexigon Arosphere,  "The multiverse has formed, " the architects Stewart spoke, as if it had never in a billion worlds could imagine this working here, the vael must be thin here, then the Stewart hacked the feed, showing a point of view it was zooming out , far out until rhe galaxy Webbing was visible each light a galaxy.

"I knew it. This is the nucleus of the universe. How fascinating that this exact planet is the very centre of all expansion.
If thats so, they zoomed in back to the clift side ruins of the old crew.

"What was that about. Noah said his voice crackled under the pressure

This means that we just brought a planet to life! I mean not just that trillions of worlds now coexisting together in some sort of hyper-fluid space consciousness. Only there's infinite worlds unfolding as we spoke in a quantum haze, Noahkah was surprised. What does this mean?

"My friend, if we do this right, this will be the greatest uncovering in history of all universes. It just happened to be that im Quantum mechanical. Meaning im not in several places at once. There is only one me, but i see you now, and there you are, and over there your also here, and ther all at the same time, how odd, a quantum Arosphere what hapens now is anyones guess,  its both observable and not observable,. How will this..

Noahkah asked, "What does this mean for my friends?" He pulled back and the creation of the old Shem. The Architects the Eluvium who built multiple realms over infinite time.

She drew near, we can save them, no worries about that. But they need to do exactly as they did before except not messing with the natural formation of the earths Arosphere.

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