Chapter 2

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CHAPTER 2 (Etho's POV)

"Okay class, please take out your notebooks and turn to page 1394..." The teacher said, taking out her pointer and pointing to the redstone component on the board.

"So class, if you remember anything from last year you'll know what this redstone component is. Please take notes on how it works, as we did not go over more of the important things about it last year." The teacher explained, she then started pacing back and forth pointing out the redstone bits and bobs as she explained them.

"Hey, I was trying to write notes on the last piece she explained, but she moved past too quickly, do you mind helping me?" Cleo said in a whisper.

Our school was quite open to people helping each other, as long as it wasn't cheating or if you interrupted the class.

"Sure, the redstone dust goes there and the observers go like that." I whispered back, pointing out the placing on Cleo's notebook.

"Thanks." Cleo whispered, smiling.

After a while the class ended and we all packed our things and started to leave the classroom. Me and Cleo ended up splitting up because our next two classes weren't with each other, so I started heading the opposite direction down the hall, quickly waving behind me to Cleo. I ended up bumping into Scott again and we headed to second period.

"Ok, but like why is our science class so boring all the time?" Scott complained, he had science for first period and he really hates science.

"I don't know, I think science is pretty cool, what makes it so boring to you?" I asked, as we turned a corner and headed down the next hallway.

"I don't know, it just doesn't make that much sense to me, like I don't get how it all works!" Scott explained.

We both stopped in front of a door, checking the numbers next to it and walked in, continuing our conversation as we took our seats. Scott continued complaining about science as I watched all the other kids come into the classroom and sit down. The teacher didn't follow, though. 'They must be late for the class...' I thought, slightly ignoring Scott's whining, yes he was still complaining about science.

"Hey, where's the teacher? Do you think they got their timing off, or something else?" Someone asked.

"I'm sure they'll make it on time!" Another kid exclaimed.

"...Honestly though, I really don't think I'm going to use science, like, ever in my life- Etho?" Scott said, looking over to me.

"Hm? Oh what did you need?" I said, turning over to him.

"You weren't listening were you?" Scott giggled.

"No, sorry, you're complaining, it was getting annoying." I laughed.

Finally the teacher walked in, the bell had already rung so many of the kids were still talking while the teacher was sitting down.

"Welcome to history class, please make sure you pay attention here, as this class will have a test next week..." The teacher explained, pulling out a massive history book that looked decades old.

Many of the kids groaned at this, some even complained. "Really, a test next week? It's the start of the school year..."

I stayed quiet, while the teacher wrote the lesson on the board, "Listen it wasn't my decision to give you all a test this early, so you can go complain to the principal..." They said, finishing the sentences on the board.

Unlike some of the other kids in the class, Scott really liked history. He was so obsessed that last year he made it his goal to get the highest grade in the class, and the short story is that he accomplished that goal. Me on the other hand, well I'm not so optimistic about it, in fact I kind of hated it. 'I guess I just have to be bored with all of this class...' I thought, taking out my notebook and writing down what was on the board.

Despite being long and dreadful, this class seemed to pass pretty quickly, once it had ended, it felt like it didn't even happen. We did the same as last class, packing all of our things and going to the next one. Me and Scott had to split up again, so I was on my own for this class. On my way to the class I spotted a group of kids, they all seemed pretty friendly with each other, and they were also heading to the same class. 'Huh' I thought, continuing to walk to the next class, finally stopping in front of the door and quietly entering. Now I'm not the most antisocial person ever, but I wasn't the best at making friends, so this class was going to be pretty sad.

And there it is, you lovely people, hope you enjoyed this as it took me about an hour, I'll see ya in the next chapter, AND HAVE A GOOD DAY.

(803 words O-O)

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