Chapter 3

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CHAPTER 3 (Joel's POV)

Me and Grian parted ways with Pearl as we headed to our third period, science. Me and G continued walking down the hall, turning a corner and heading to the door for our next class. We were about to open the door, but some weird masked guy got there first so we waited a bit for him to go in and followed afterwards. Once we had sat down the teacher walked in and set down his bag, he looked pretty mad, but I guess he was just having a bad day. Most of the kids for this class still weren't here so me and G chatted until everyone was there.

"Don't you think it's weird that molecules don't touch but we still feel things?" Grian asked, with a more tired look.

"Um, yea I guess, Gman are you okay? You seem exhausted..." I asked, concerningly looking at him.

"Yea, I'm alright, just didn't get very much sleep last night, how are you Beans?" He replied, laying his head on his arms, which were crossed and on the table.

"I'm good, d'you think the teacher looks mad, because he does to me." I asked, mumbling the last part so the teacher wouldn't hear.

"I dunno man, I think that's just his resting face." Grian suggested, still being generally quiet so we wouldn't get in trouble.

"Ok class, today we are learning about some random science topic, so please turn to the 15th page and follow along." The teacher announced, pulling a thin book out of his bag and turning the pages.

The entire class followed along, including me and Grian. The teacher then started reading aloud, I wasn't paying much attention though as I didn't really like science. The class went by in a blur and the bell suddenly rang.

"That's all we will be reading today, class, I'll see you tomorrow." The teacher said, putting away his book.

We all stood up to leave and pack our things, but before me and G could make it out the door we heard two kids mocking someone. I turned around and saw that masked kid getting bullied by two other boys.

"Hey! If you're so insecure then go to the counseling office, it's rude to make fun of someone because of your own problems." I half yelled, as the table the kid was sitting at wasn't very far behind mine.

"And what makes you so tough, you look like a goblin being that short!" The kid said, walking over to me.

"Jeez, didn't know we were looking in mirrors today, if you were to ask me you look more like an ogre, bud." I said, with the most calm and cool look on my face.

"Alright you two, break it up, stop fighting..." The teacher sighed.

The kid then scoffed in my face and he and his buddy left. 'Hah, take that you jerks!' I thought, plastering a smirk on my face.

"Hey, uh, thanks for getting those two out of my hair." The masked kid said, finishing putting away his stuff.

"Sure, what's your next class, we could all walk together, my name's Joel by the way." I said in the friendliest tone I could, didn't want to seem threatening now would I?

"Oh, ok, my next class is English, and my name's Etho." He replied.

"Alright then, follow us, Beans I swear we are gonna be so late..." Grian said, sighing.

"Yea, yea..." I said, laughing as we all walked out the door.

Voila, chapter 3, I know it's a short one but I've been pretty exhausted this past week, anyways have a good day! :D

(589 words -v-)

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