Chapter 7

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CHAPTER 7 (Etho's POV)

Cleo closed the door behind us and sat down next to Scott on the floor. There were nail polish bottles in front of us and music playing in the background, Cleo's room had a peachy wallpaper and plastic glow-in-the-dark stars glued to the ceiling, she had a desk in the corner with her bed opposite to it, we were all sitting on the other side of the room, there was Cleo's dresser and the empty space on the floor were we were all sitting.

"So what colour do you want your nails this time Etho?" Scott asked, dragging me back to reality.

I examined the nail polish on the floor, I thought for a moment then said "I think I want the evergreen this time." I said pulling my mask down and relaxing a bit more.

"Ooo that's a nice colour, I think I have little leaf stickers that you could add as well!" Cleo suggested, getting up and looking in a few of her dresser drawers before sitting back down and handing me a leafy sticker pad.

"O M G, Cleo you're a genius!" Scott shouted, snatching my hand, beginning to put the evergreen nail polish on my nails.

"Why thank you Scott, now what in the world are your parents thinking Etho! They did this once before and got, like, nothing from you! Do they expect you to apologize?" Cleo asked, as she started to fix her own nails.

"I don't know, they just seem upset about the fact that I'M angry that THEY forgot my birthday AGAIN!" I laughed, looking at my hand as Scott applied the nail polish.

"That's just insane though, like a whole month just leaving you're literal child to fend for themselves, crazy people I say..." Scott replied, finishing one of my hands and starting to paint the other one.

I started blowing on my fingernails to attempt to dry them quicker, while Scott and Cleo continued to talk about my insane parents. 'What are they thinking...' I thought, 'they don't actually think that I'll apologize for their doings right? Ah who am I kidding, they're already pretty deranged...'

"Would you like me to help you put the leaf stickers on?" Cleo offered, holding up the stickers.

"Sure, I think I'd probably put them on crooked or something." I laughed, holding out my hand to Cleo.

Eventually we had finished mine, Scott's and Cleo's nails and had to leave, we said our goodbyes and Scott walked me home. Eventually when we got to my door I said goodbye and thanked him for walking me home, then I unlocked my door and walked inside. 'I guess I should order some pizza or something...' I thought, walking to the kitchen and checking the fridge for any sandwich making materials. 'Guess I am ordering pizza...' I contemplated, walking to my parents bedroom to get my dad's wallet. Suddenly I got an awful feeling of unease, was it just the room or was I being watched? I brushed it off and took the wallet, then left back to the kitchen while dialing the pizza place I usually ordered from.

HIIII SHORT CHAPTER I KNOW, BUT OMG. 1K READS. THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!! I really appreciate the support, I managed to get this chapter out, but I probably won't write here for a bit. But thank you all so much for being so patient, even though this chapter kind of sucks, it isn't very action packed is it? Oh well, hope you enjoy! AND HAVE A LOVELY DAY, NIGHT, EVENING, AFTERNOON, OR WHATEVER THE HECK!!!!!! <3 

(594 Words TvT)

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