Chapter 1

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CHAPTER 1 (Etho's POV)

"Etho, I swear, if you miss this first day of highschool, again! I will not be happy with you." I could hear my mother yelling from the kitchen.

"I'm almost ready! Just packing my backpack..." I mumbled the last part.

After I finished packing my bag I walked out of my room into the kitchen. My dad was sitting on the couch watching the soccer game, and my mom was at the stove cooking food.

"Come get your breakfast and get going." My mom said, handing me a plate of food.

I quickly ate the food I was handed, setting the plate in the dishes and heading towards the front door. As I walked out I saw the bus at my stop, luckily with a fair amount of kids still getting on.

'Thank god I didn't miss my first day...' I thought, letting out a sigh of relief.

I walked over to the bus stop, standing in line behind all of the other kids in front of me. We all looked exhausted as it was around 6 in the morning. Once I got on I headed straight for the back, taking the closest empty seat I could find, then pulling out my headphones and turning on music. I looked out the window as we soon started moving, watching the trees pass me as we drove out of the neighborhood. I closed my eyes and decided to nap until we arrived.

I woke up with a jolt as the bus stopped moving, I could hear kids standing up and starting to get out all around me, the sound of talking flooded the bus. I waited until that sound faded out, then opened my eyes and stood up, walking off the bus and towards the school. I watched as many of the kids were talking with their friends, then I heard someone shout my name.

"ETHO, BESTIE HURRY UP!!!" Scott shouted, as I looked to my left I could see Cleo, Bdubs and Scott all slowly walking towards the entrance. I quickly ran over to them and greeted them with a small wave.

"Etho, it's so good to see you! We haven't seen you since that summer trip we went on!" Cleo stated.

We continued the conversation as we walked into the building, the cool air breezing onto my face. I pulled up my mask and we all headed to a line, there were kids waiting for their school schedule. We eventually got ours, me and Cleo had first class together, so we said our goodbyes to Scott and Bdubs, then headed into the hallway leading to first class.

"The map says it's the fifth door down on the right... So this one." I said looking up from the sheet of paper I had in my hands.

We went into the classroom and sat down near the back. There weren't many people there yet as many of them were getting breakfast in the cafe.

"So, do you remember any redstone from last year?" I asked Cleo, while taking my backpack off and setting it by my chair.

"Oh god, I forgot about that class..." Cleo groaned, putting her head down on the desk.

"Don't worry, I'll help you" I said in a silly heroic voice.

"Yea, yea..." Cleo laughed.

We continued talking until the bell rang and kids came storming into the classroom, the teacher following shortly after.

And there you have it folks, chapter one, and done. Hope you enjoyed :D

(565 words O-O)

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