Chapter 6

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CHAPTER 6 (Etho's POV)

When I arrived home and opened the door the house was weirdly empty. Usually my dad would be sitting at the couch, watching the sports channel and my mom would be yelling at him to turn down the volume. I felt a sense of unease as I walked into the kitchen. Then I saw it, a note pinned to the fridge that read: "Dear Etho,
As your parents we have decided to go on a vacation. We needed a break from your attitude and ungratefulness towards our kind doings. If you need us then call your grandad. There should be some money in your dad's wallet, it's on the nightstand. We'll be back next month.

Sincerely, your dearest parents"

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone, heading to my room I called Cleo who just so happened to be with Scott at her house doing their nails.

"Hey bestie, what's up?" Scott answered, Cleo shouting at what I assume to be a bad drama show in the background.

"Oh, hi Scott, do you mind asking Cleo if I can stay at hers tonight?" I asked, waiting for Scott's reply.

"Sure but first off, what's up, did your so-called parents kick you out again?" Scott said.

"Oh you're gonna laugh when you hear this, they went on vacation somewhere, and said they'd be back next month!" I laughed, looking at the note they left and crumpling into a ball, tossing it in my metal trash bin as I entered my room.

"O M G, your kidding!?" Scott gasped.

"Nope, they even said oh so kindly that they were 'fed up with my attitude and ungratefulness' because I wasn't showing gratitude towards their attempt of saying 'sorry for forgetting your birthday for the fifth time'. Like what are they doing!?" I shouted slightly, feeling anger build up inside my head.

"DAMN. Your parents are insane, hun. Anyways wanna come over to Cleo's? We're doing our nails." Scott asked.

"Sure, I could use a new coat of nail polish anyways, I'll be over in about 5 min." I said, swiftly saying goodbye and hung up the phone.

I put away my backpack and grabbed a smaller bag that was shaped like a coffin (Yes, emo, I know! >:D). I put on a more comfortable t-shirt over my bandana shirt combination and headed out of the door once again. Surprisingly this wasn't the first time that my parents have gone on vacation like this. They did the same thing two years back after my 14th birthday, that they of course, forgot. They went to Sweden and left me about fifty bucks to live off of. Luckily Cleo and Scott are quite literally the best friends I could have and I was able to stay at one of their houses every other night. It was a hassle, but when they got back they were surprised to see me thriving. They then proceeded to yell at me for going out when they weren't home, accusing me of being disobedient and horrible. I did in fact ignore all of this by going to Cleo's house and getting my nails done. Heading back to the present, I stood in front of Cleo's house and rang the doorbell twice. Waiting patiently I heard a few screams and then laughing, quickly followed by "I'll get it!" from Cleo. When she opened the door I could see that her hair was a mess and she looked like she'd just been robbed. "Sorry, we were having a pillow fight, Scott won though..." She said looking completely out of breath.

"I get off the phone for, what, five minutes? And you started a pillow fight?" I said laughing.

"Yea, Scott wanted to paint my nails and I let him, then he screwed one of the nails up and I jokingly stated that I'd pillow fight him, and he took it a little too seriously, it was fun though!" Cleo explained, ushering me into the house and practically dragging me into her room. "ETHO!!!!" Scott yelled.

"Jeez man, I was literally just on the phone with you..." I sighed.

"Yea, but I haven't seen you in person as much and I've missed you!" Scott complained.

"Fair point, fair point." I said laughing and sitting by him on the floor.




(730 Words O-O)

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