Chapter 5

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CHAPTER 5 (Etho's POV)

"So, do you really not like Cleo like that? Or were you just lying because G was being weird." Joel asked as we walked down the halls.
"Hm? Oh no I really don't like her like that, again I think she'd murder me if I did" I replied, laughing.

"Oh, ok cool" Joel said "Anyways I still don't understand why you hate jelly beans so much, like they taste nice!"

"No, they really just don't, or at least not to me." I answered.

We soon made it to our second to last class of the day, maths. We sat down near the back of class, I pulled out my notebook to start sketching, while Joel was blabbing about jelly beans. Finally the teacher arrived, she was the second teacher to be late today.

"Ok class, today we're learning about random maths stuff bc I'm not smart, please pull out your pens or pencils and follow along on the board." The teacher announced, drawing things with chalk on the board.

I followed along pretty easily, not struggling as much as I did last year, the class kind of sucked, so I didn't pay much attention. 'Why do I need to learn this again?' I thought, staring at the questions on the paper, not knowing exactly what to do, I was very stuck on this problem and didn't really want to look dumb by asking questions, so I just guessed. 'Why are these problems so difficult...'

Eventually the class ended, me and Joel split up and I headed to my last and favorite class, art. I arrived in the large art room, sitting down at a four seat table, hoping the people who sat next to me wouldn't mind me much. Soon after all of the other kids came in, the teacher walked in carrying a large canvas.

"Uh, Miss, what's that for?" One of the kids asked.

"Oh this is for this first month's project, you'll all be painting on this using teamwork to create a beautiful art piece." She explained, setting the canvas against the wall and sitting down in her seat.

The class wasn't all that interesting as it was mainly talking about the materials we'd need for the project, then we were let out for the day. I packed my bag and headed out of the classroom, slightly hoping to see Cleo and Scott again. Apparently luck was on my side today and we bumped into each other in the hallway.

"Hey Etho! How was your art class, working on anything big?" Cleo asked as we all walked towards the exit of the building.

"Yea actually, we're going to paint on a big canvas together as a class, I assume your class is doing something else though, right?" I replied.

"Yes, we are making banners for the hallway, we're meant to base them off of cartoon characters!" Cleo answered, seeming very excited.

"Nice, what about you Scott, how's your elective class going? I kind of remember you saying something about signing up for a language class." I said.

"Oh yeah, I'm learning German, it's pretty fun so far." Scott answered.

We continued our conversation until we had to get on our separate buses. 'Cleo and Scott are lucky to be on the same bus' I thought, climbing up the stairs and scanning my bus tag. When I sat down I immediately put on my headphones and turned on my music, closing my eyes and waiting for my bus stop.

OMG OVER 100 READS... Y'ALL ARE AWESOME!!! Anyways, here is update, sorry it's short, I've been pretty exhausted :D

(586 Words -v-)

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