Shield and Shadows

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Brooks 's pov

"Brooks , please report to my office." Nick said over my earpiece. "Okay." I said, uncertainly. Nick never calls me to his office. I'm just an Agent. I do barely anything! Sit around, report to people, clean up. It's boring. Nick says I'm not fit to be a real 'hero' yet. Even though, I have super strength, speed, and I'm smart.

I walked quickly to his office, not wanting to keep him. "You need me sir?" I asked. He looked up from his papers. "I would like to ask you a couple things." He said, setting the papers down. I cocked an eyebrow. "Okay." I said slowly. "I understand for quite a couple years, I've turned you down to become a position in the 'Heros' place." He said. I sighed and nodded.

"But today, it's different." He said. I looked up at him with a confused look. "Brooks, I am offering you a position." He said. I stared at him. "What?" I said. "I am offering you a position to help." He said. I broke into and smile and nodded up and down quickly. "Yes! Yes sir! I am taking the offer!" I yelled. He breathed out a laugh. "Another thing." He said.

"I need you to get me someone." He said. "She's been missing for quite awhile, we haven't caught a signal of her in awhile. But recently, we found a signal." He said. I nodded. "Who is it?" I asked, curiously. "She's, an old agent." He said, uneasily. I nodded. He gave me coordinates and papers and I ran off.

My first mission! I was so excited, that I accidentally bumped into Agent Coulsen. "Sorry!" I said. "What are you so excited about?" He asked. "Nick's sent me on a mission! I'm a real hero!" I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes. "Yep. A real hero." He muttered. I slapped his shoulder. "Don't ruin my spirits!" I said as he rubbed his arm. "I have to get Stark." He grumble. "Ha!" I said, running off and pointing a finger at him.

I ran to a jet and got inside. An agent flew me to my location. I got out and frowned. I was in the woods. I looked at my tracking chip. I little dot blinked on the screen. I inhaled before walking into the woods, two agents following.

Let's see who we're gonna find.

Phoenix's pov

I shivered in the dark cave. I couldn't see anything. I lite fire in my hands. I looked around. The cave dripped water slowly. It splashed on the cold floor. Then, a loud noise erupted. I jumped up and looked around. I didn't hesitate to run when another noise came closer.

I ran out of the cave, shaking. I guess you could say, I was a scaredy cat. Or, like my brother called me, 'scaredy Phoenix.' If you didn't know, I'm a Phoenix. No, I'm not a bird. But I have wings that burn. Also, I can create fire in my hands and control fire.

I sighed and walked through the woods. I heard voices. I froze in place and looked around nervously. "It's pinpointing the thing this way." A woman's voice said. "Ma'am, I would advise to be careful." A man said sternly. I panicked.

I started to fly away. I stopped when I didn't hear anyone. I listened. I heard a snap of a branch behind me. I spun around to be grabbed and twisted around. I wiggled to get out of the persons grip. The person grunted and held my wrist tighter. I blew fire out of my hands. The person yelped and let go, giving me time to fly off.

But, the person tackled me. I grunted. The person lifted me up and held my arms tight. A man walked up. I recognized him as a SHIELD agent. I growled as he dumped water on me. Water could stop my fire abilities for a short amount of time. I was picked up and shoved into a jet.

I glared at the woman who grabbed me. "I didn't want to get you like this." She said. "I'm Braelyn. Everyone calls me Brooks. Agent Brooks." She said. I looked out the window, ignoring her. I hear her sigh.

We arrived at SHIELD minutes later. I was grabbed a brought out, taken to a small room, painted gray with a chair in it. I sat in the chair and left alone for a couple minutes. The water started to dry off me, so I knew I would be able to use my powers any minute now.

The door opened, and Nick walked in. I glared at him and crossed my arms. "Agent Phoenix. It's been awhile." He said. "Nick." I growled. "Do you know why I've brought you here?" He asked. "For more experiments?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. Before he could answer, I put a row of fire between us.
I ran to the door before it could die down.

I ran down the hallway. People blocked me off from other rooms, so I ran into the conference. I flew past a couple people. I flew out to the landing pads, hitting my wings on a wall and falling face down. I grumbled and got up, running towards the edge. Before I flew down, a familiar voice behind me yelled "Phoenix!"

Steve's pov

The door flew open. I glanced over to see someone fly by. Wait. Fly? Agent Brooks ran in, out of breath. "Captain, we need your help." She breathed. "Why me?" I asked. "Just follow me, quickly." She said, grabbing my arms and pulling me outside. A girl with fire hair and wings that burned face planted. She got up quickly, as I got a look at her face. I couldn't believe it.

After all these years, I finally get to see her again. Phoenix! My sister! She was about to fly off, when I yelled "Phoenix!"

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