The war begins

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~Brooks pov~
I walked down to the conference room to see everyone sitting around the table. "About time she showed up." Tony snapped. I just ignored it and kept walking. They literally gave Cassie everything of mine. Even my chair at the table. I looked at Phoenix sitting next to Tony. She smiled but I just glared at her. I honestly didn't like her with Tony. I walked over to Steve. I guess I'll stand the whole meeting. "Babe. You don't have to stand come here." He said patting his lap. I went and sat down. I leaned back against him and he smiled. I kissed him and turned back around to listen to the meeting. "We have a mission. Hydra attacked our base in Oregon. They are headed here. To stark tower. And you guys must keep them out." Fury said. Then, we heard a crash. "I think it's to late for that." Tony said. Everyone ran to get their uniforms. Me? I was already in uniform. Leather leggings. Skin tight. And a black tank top. Usually I would fight with a gun but I wanted to try out my powers. I grabbed a gun just in case. I put it in my belt and ran to where I heard the explosion. I heard Steve yell for me but I kept running. "If we wait they will win this war Steve!" I yelled back. The first person I saw was Wanda maximoff. The Scarlett witch. She can read minds and show you your worst fear. Her brother pietro aka QuickSilver can run at the speed of light. I saw him walking next to her. Just then Steve grabbed my shoulder. "You need backup." He said. "I'm my own backup." I said and took off running. I heard the rest of the avengers coming. Then it happened. A bunch of hydra agents attacked me. I used my power to throw the first one through the wall. Wow. I'm stronger than i thought I was. I threw 4 more out a window. One grabbed me from behind and I back flipped over him causing him to fall. I then threw him out another window. Next thing I know Cassie is next to me. "You alright?" She asked. I nodded. "Let's kick some hydra ass." She said. I smiled. Wanda came at me first. She try to tackle be but I used her momentum against her and flung her over my shoulder. She landed with a thud. "So the little agent has powers?" She mocked. I heard Cassie scream and saw Pietro had grabbed her. She flung him backwards with pure muscle power. "Holy fucking crap." I said. She laughed. I threw another agent against the back wall. Then Steve grabbed my shoulder. "Run. Now. Go help Phoenix. She's in the helicarrier getting flown to the triskelion. Hydra is attacking all our bases. Just then cap got tazed. He fell to the floor. "Steve!" I yelled and ran to him. "I'm fine." He groaned sitting up. "Get to the helicarrier. Now!" He said. Just as I turned to run Wanda grabbed me. She used her power to show me my worst nightmare. I felt my body hit the ground. Then it happened.
Steve was lying on the ground motionless. The only different between this and my reoccurring nightmare is Steve was already dead. Gone. And there was nothing I could do. I saw nat laying about 5 feet away. She was breathing. "Natasha?" I said. She coughed. "Brooks, help." She stammered. She had been shot 3 times in the shoulder. I ran over to her and dug the bullets out. She winced when I pulled out the last one. "Your gonna be okay." I said calmly. She smiled. I helped her stand up. "Can you walk?" I asked. She nodded. As soon as I let go she fell to the ground. Dead. "You could've saved then. You could've saved Steve." Phoenix's voice echoed in my head.
When I woke up I felt the tears streaming down my face. "Brooks! Hey hey hey hey it's okay. I'm right here. Your okay." Steve said frantically. He had his arm around me. I leaned into him and he kissed my forehead. "I'm okay now." I said. Steve smiled. "Where are they? The avengers? Hydra? Where is everyone? Cassie and Phoenix are gone too." I asked. "We had them all flown to the triskelion. Hydra retreated to there." He said. "We have to go help." I said trying to stand. "No. They can handle it. I want to make sure your okay. That's more important." He said. "No. One agent is not more important than the team. I am not that important Steve. Help me get to the helicarrier." I groaned as I got up. He nodded and helped me stand.
~Cassie's pov~
I really hope brooks is okay. We were rushed out of there pretty quickly. I kept fighting all that hydra threw at me. Clint and Phoenix were fighting next to me. I saw Wanda and Pietro out of the Corner of my eye. I wasn't gonna try and fight them on my own. I was fighting with a knife. That's it. Clint had been teaching me a little on archery but not enough to fight with. Just when I thought I was winning everything went black.
~Clints pov~
I saw Cassie's body hit the ground. I ran over to her. She was breathing. I read about diabetics passing out from being low. The only way to revive them is with glucagon. Cassie freaked out when we left shield because she forgot hers. Luckily I grabbed one of the way out because i may or may not have a crush on her. Who am I kidding. I'm falling in love with her. I pulled the injection out of my pocket. "Sorry Cassie" I whispered and stabbed her in the arm with it. "Clint! A little help please." I heard Phoenix yell. "Come on Cassie." I pleaded. Her eyes flickered open. "Clint. Oh my god." She said hugging me. "You just saved me. How did you know? And where did you get that glucagon?" She asked. "I've been researching diabetes just incase. And I have been carrying these around whenever I'm around you because I care about you." I said. She smiled.  Just then brooks and Steve ran in. "She's fine." Steve said pointing at brooks. I nodded.
~Phoenix pov~
Brooks ran to my side. We were partners in crime after all. We kept fighting until there was only 2 left. Wanda and Pietro. "Don't do this." I said to them. "Hydra is trying to wipe out the human race. Shield is trying to protect it. Help us protect it." I said calmly.

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