The spark

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Phoenix's pov

I froze at the voice. It was familiar. I inhaled before turning around. My mouth dropped and tears rimmed my eyes. "St-Steve." I stuttered. I flew towards him and tackled him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around. "I thought you were dead." I said. We let go and I saw a agent walking towards me. i turned to run but I was stopped by Steve. "That's agent Barton. He's safe. He won't hurt you." I didn't trust any agents. Especially ones with weapons. "Captain, agent brooks needs you. She said its urgent." Agent Barton said. He carried a bow and arrow. "I'm Clint Barton. Aka Hawkeye." He smiled.
~captain's pov~
I ran through the hallways. "Agent Brooks do you copy?" I said hoping she would here me in her ear piece. "Yeah... I c...copy." She stammered. She was hurt. I could sense it. "Where are you Brooks?" I whispered to myself. she screamed. I resorted to running down the hall screaming her name. The ear pieces weren't enough. I heard her yelling for me. She was in the conference. She was laying on the ground, not moving. "Brooks! What happened?" I asked. "I was just trying to help." She said. "Help with what?" I asked. "I was trying to find Phoenix. I needed tony. He was the only one who knew where she was. He told me I wasn't worthy of helping them. That I wasn't worthy of being a hero. He threw me, literally, out. I hit the ground. I didn't want to move. I couldn't. so I laid here. Calling for you." She cried. "Why me? Why did you call for me? Why not Hawkeye? " I asked. "because I trust you. Only you." She said. I guess I looked surprised because she then said "your he only one that has actually treated me like a hero. Like an actual agent." She has potential. She just needs to train with her powers. Honestly, I think she could possibly be stronger than Thor if she tried. and that's saying something. Everyone questioned who she really was because of her similar abilities to Thor. Some even thought they were related. But no one truly knew who she was. She was a mystery and she liked it that way. And so do I.

~Hawkeye's pov~
I sat down with stark. He was complaining about how Brooks got to help us and a bunch of other shit. I wasn't really listening. I was to busy thinking about what happened today. Brooks had called for captain. Why didn't she call for me? She even talked to me. But she told me to get captain. I had never done anything to her. I thought she trusted me. "Agent Barton to the conference please" said a voice over my ear piece. It must have been one of the avengers. No one else would have called me to conference. I ran down the hallway. I turned into the conference. I saw Brooks laying on the ground. Her cheek was cut. Deep. She will need stitches. I also saw her crying. She couldn't have been crying about pain. She was stronger than that. I saw captain kneeling beside her, holding her head in his lap. "What happened to her?" I asked a little to anxiously. "Tony. He threw her. She hit the wall then hit the floor. She's been laying her for 2 hours." Steve said. i ran over to her and picked her up bridal style. She groaned as I lifted her. when I picked her up I realized she had a huge gash in her head. Blood dripped rapidly, hitting the floor. she started falling asleep. "Stay awake Brooks. Stay awake. Just focus on my voice. You will be okay. Just stay with me okay?" I said as calmly as possible. "O...oka...okay." She stammered. We made it to my car. I had to take her to the emergency room. They can't help her at shield. I opened the passenger door and gently set her inside. I ran around and got in the driver seat. the engine idled and we were off. "Clint?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm right here. Your gonna be okay." I said. we got to the emergency room and they rushed her into intensive care. I walked into her room. "You feeling okay?" I asked her.
~Brooks pov~
"You feeling okay?" Clint asked. "yeah. Just tired." I said. It was true. Okay well I need to get back to shield. Call me if you need anything. They are releasing you tomorrow night. I'll be here to pick you up okay?" He said. "Okay." I said. He began to walk out. "Hey Clint?" I said. "Yeah?" He said. "Please don't leave me." I said as a tear slide down my cheek.

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