Take my hand

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~Phoenix pov~
I walked down to the garage that tony kept his suits in. He was working on the hulk buster suit. "Hey." He said. I walked over and sat down next to him. "You've been down here for a while tony. I know you don't like brooks but you can't keep avoiding her." I said. "I know." He said. After talking for a while I got up to leave. "Wait." Tony said. I turned around and he walked up to me. He leaned in and kissed me. "I love you. I'm sorry I never told you. I'm falling in love with you." Tony said. I smiled. I kissed him again when we finally pulled apart he smiled. "Phoenix? Will you go on a date with me?" He asked. "Y..yes." I smiled uncontrollably. "How about now?" He asked. I nodded and ran upstairs to get ready. I put on my strapless camo dress. I put on my combat boots and ran to Brooks' room. "You look beautiful! Where are you going all dressed up?" She asked. Just then Cassie walked out of the bathroom. She was carrying an insulin pump. "She's diabetic. She's been explaining it to me. It's really interesting." Brooks smiled. "I'm going on a date." I said. "What???" Cassie asked. "With tony." I said looking at brooks. Hoping she wouldn't be mad. "That's awesome!" Brooks smiled and hugged me. "Have a good time." Cassie said.
~Phoenix  POV~
I walked out of the front door of HQ to see Tony in the driver's seat of a fancy looking car. "You ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah!" I said excitedly, getting into the passenger seat. "Can I put on the radio?" I ask him, getting a yes in reply. "Ok." I said, putting on the country station. We drove off into the city, kiss me or not by Thompson square came on. As we were driving, I looked around at the bright lights, feeling happy as ever. "Ok, we're here! C'mon!" Tony exclaimed, opening my door for me, and grabbing my hand, leading me inside. "Table for two. I called and made a reservation. Stark, Tony." He said. "Ok follow me to your table." The waitress said, as we followed her through the huge place. It was probably the fanciest and most expensive place I've ever been in! "This place is huge!" I quietly said to Tony. "Yeah, oh look, here's our table!" He said, gesturing for me to sit down. We got a booth for two people. The seats were red and soft, and the decor was crazy fancy. Tony was wearing a black suit with a camo shirt underneath, matching my camo dress. We are and talked for what seemed like forever, but it went too fast. We left the restaurant and drove home, jamming out to country music until we got to HQ. It was around 11:30 pm when we got back, and we just went to our bedrooms. As I was walking down the hall, I passed Clint's room. He was sitting at his computer, and I saw the words "Diabetes 101" on the screen. He was researching nonstop about Diabetes since he found out Cassie had it. I heard from 'sources' (aka Tony) that Clint liked Cassie. I went to sleep, because Fury apparently called for a meeting tomorrow.
~Cassie POV~
The meeting went well, but towards the end, my pump went off. *pump beeps* "what the hell was that?!" Tony exclaimed, looking around somewhat frantically. "It's my insulin pump." I say, shrugging it off as it was nothing, receiving looks of confusion from everyone but Brooks and Pheonix. "I'm type one diabetic, and I have been since I was 10 months old. It means that my pancreas doesn't make any insulin, causing my blood sugar to rise. To get it lower, I have to take insulin via either injection or pump." I explained, holding up my pump and showing everyone my site. "I also have to prick my finger multiple times a day, as that's how you check your blood sugar. I can show y'all if you want." I said casually. "Yeah! Show us!" Clint exclaimed, sounding a little too excited. "Ok, ok." I said, pulling out my test kit, and testing my blood sugar. Clint flinched when the needle went into my finger. "Doesn't that hurt?" He asked curiously. "Well at first yeah, but you get used to it." I said, putting my test kit away. After the meeting ended, I was confronted by Tony and Steve. "What Tony?" I asked, walking back to my room, when I stopped in the hallway. "Can I make you a custom insulin pump?" He asked. "That would be awesome, but I'm pretty attached to this one." I said jokingly, tugging on my tubing a little to make my point. "Ok, but if you change your mind, let me know." He said with a chuckle. "Will do." I responded, smiling as he walked away. "Steve you wanted to ask me something?" I asked him, as he was just standing there. "Yeah. Does it hurt?" He asked. "Does what hurt?" I was confused as to what he was asking me. "Your thing, and pricking your finger every day? How many times do you have to do that?" He said, gesturing to my site. "Yeah when it gets pushed or pulled or ripped out." He cringed when I said ripped out. "The finger pricking, you get used to. I do it anywhere from 6-12 times a day." I stated. "Wow, that's a lot. Thanks for the information." Steve said, and walked away. I went into the room Brooks and I were sharing. I closed the door, putting my bag down, and throwing myself into the bed before pulling out my phone. "Whatcha doing?" I asked Brooks, who was laying on her bed on the other side of the room. "Texting Steve." She replied. "I think Clint likes you." She said after 5 minutes of just silence. "You think Clint what?" I said, sitting up. "I think he likes you. I mean the way he was staring at you at the meeting," she said. That second, Pheonix stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her. "I can side with Brooks. Tony was texting me and he said that Clint told him that he likes you Cassie." She said, sounding proud of herself. "Ok, I kinda like him too, so I'll tell him that I like him tomorrow." I said, blushing furiously. "But right now, I'm exhausted and have to change my site so I'm gonna do that, shower, then go to sleep." I said, getting up to get my pump supplies. "I ordered a different color site a couple days ago, so they're supposed to come today and I'm super exited!" I told Brooks excitedly. "Sounds cool! What color?" She asked. "Green!" I responded. "Awesome!" She said. I finished changing my site, then went to go shower. "I'm gonna shower now, so you can go next." I said, walking into the bathroom and showering.
~Clint's POV~
I was one of the last ones up, when I heard the doorbell ring. Picking up my bow and grabbing an arrow, (you can never know), I walked to the door and looked out the window. A medium sized brown package was sitting there, as the FedEx truck drove away. I opened the door, grabbed the box, and shut the door. The package said Cassie's name, so I walked to her room and knocked. "Who is it?" I heard Brooks' voice. "It's me, Clint. There's a package that says Cassie's name on it." I said. "Ok come in." She said, and I opened her door. "Oh those must be my sites! Awesome! Let me get dressed, then I'll open them! And perfect timing too! I still gotta change my site!" She said, grabbing her clothes off her bed, and running to the bathroom. "Ok, why is she so exited about pump supplies?" I asked Brooks. "Apparently she ordered a new color, green, and she's super pumped about it." She said, laying down and going on her phone. Cassie came out less than 5 minutes later, wearing camo pants and a black fitted tank top. Wow. Camo suited her really well. Her long brown hair still wet, making it look almost black. "Ok, I can change my site now. Wanna watch? It's seems like everyone always does." She asked me. "Sure, why not," I responded, walking over to the table with her. She opened the box with a pocket knife she kept in her pocket at all times, quote unquote "in case of emergencies". She took out a box labeled "mio" on it, and opened it to reveal a bunch of light green plastic thingies. She changed her site with expertise as I watched. "Wow, how long have you had your pump?" I asked her. "Since September of 2015." She responded. No wonder she was so practiced with it. "Ok, I'm gonna go to sleep now, goodnight both of you!"  I said, trying as hard as possible to not be awkward, waved, and walked out. "Have a nice night!" I heard Cassie call after me as I shut the door and walked down the hall to my room.

Authors note
So I would like to thank a good friend of mine for helping me write this chapter xtremepandas17 is an amazing writer for this story and I can't thank her enough for her amazing writing skills. She's amazing and I love her.
Agent Brooks

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