Chapter Fifteen

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"This was a very fun idea." I let Nicholas know.

"You don't say." He smartly replies.

"Why are you saying it like that?" My head tilts to the side as I eye him.

We're swimming close to each other in our own little bubble space along with the other people here. I'm floating and he's just swimming near me.

"'How much longer til we get there?''Were you trying to kill me on this hike?''Why is it so far?'" He starts saying in a voice that's supposed to imitate me I guess.

I shake my head at the smirk on his face.

"Maybe. Just maybe I was a bit dramatic about the hike to here. But you need to understand where I was coming from. I won't be using feet to cover up a distance that's supposed to be covered using wheels. So yeah, I admit to being a little dramatic. And I also admit that you planned good and that that hike was worth it. I mean my legs might fall off if we're to walk back but at least this is great." I ramble.

"Thank you. Thank you. How kind of you for the applause. Thank you, ma'am." I laugh a little at the way he behaves like he's bowing at a crowd after a play.

"You said a lot of insightful stuff that I'm very grateful for, BUT, you didn't say what I wanted to hear." He comes even closer so I stop floating and decide to stand in the water.

"What did you want to hear?" I frown and my heartbeat picks up.

"Was, is today fun so far? Are you having fun? Or did I overdo the sports thing for you?" He towers over me as I slightly lean on one of the humongous rocks.

"No." I shake my head. "I've had and I'm having fun today. It's been fun indeed so far. And there are no regrets when it comes to the sports part. You've just helped me with my leg workouts for the rest of the year." I stupidly for a reason I can't explain, pat his bicep as I say that.

What is wrong with me?

"Okay great then. Are you still enjoying it here or do you want us to leave?"

"Uhm, I think I still got a few swims in me. Did you want us to leave?"

"No. Just making sure you aren't sick of this yet. We can stay here for as long as you want." He pulls me in almost like for a hug and places his hand on my lower back.

I breathe out and let myself lay my head on his chest.

Then before I know it, it all happens too fast. One minute I'm in his arms, his hands are on me and I'm in the air, then he slam dunks me into the water. I'm so shocked that I didn't even let out a scream before he threw me in the water.

Panic instantly kicks in. But I'm only in the water for a second or two before he pulls me out. I take deep breaths before glaring at him.

"You okay?" His voice is calm. As if nothing happened.

A couple of responses run around in my mind but I feel like nothing is good enough for right. I'm literally too stunned to speak. The only reaction that feels right is screaming then clawing at him and hopefully eventually dunking him as well.

"Hey. You good?" His brows are now frowned.

Since I'm still at a loss for words, I decide it will be a good idea to try to catch him off guard and attempt to jump him so he'll also fall in.

I place my hands on his shoulders and try to use all my strength to almost like lift myself up in hopes that my body weight will maybe make him drop.

He instead picks me. I don't know whether to be infuriated or what.

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