Chapter Sixteen

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I'm surprised to see that the sun is out and also to find myself in bed, in different clothes too at that.

The last thing I remember is is getting into the car after we ate at that seafood place. After that I think I have slight memory of Nicholas carrying me out the car and then it just goes blank.

Nicholas carried me from the car to here. The thought immediately makes me sit up on the bed.

How the heck could I have allowed myself to continue sleeping during such a moment?! I missed out on seeing all those muscles in action. And I have no one to blame but myself.

"It wasn't me that changed your clothes. I'd had Wanda come in to change you into something more comfortable for sleep." Comes Nicholas's voice from nowhere.

I yelp and grab the bedsheets before letting go when I see Nicholas.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I saw you looking shocked so I thought you worried about your clothes." He shuts the door and comes deeper into the room.

"What?" I ask as I process what he just said. "Oh, right. Yeah. My clothes." I look down at the baggy white shirt I have on which I'm two hundred percent sure doesn't belong to me.

"Are you okay?" He enquires.

"Yeah. Totally. I'm just waking up so my brain is kind of lagging and taking longer than necessary to catch on." I nod.

"Ah, okay. I just walked in so I didn't know that you were just waking up. For a second there I though you were hungover on seafood boil." He jokes.

"Haha. Just so you know. Fish is good for the brain. The more you eat the bigger and sharper your brain gets. So imagine what happens every time you eat a burger." I raise my eyebrows at him as I get out of bed and start making it.

"Woah. Should I be scared? How long until you turn into the love child of Phineas and megamind huh? Bigger and sharper brain." He teases seriously.

I stop fixing the pillows and stare at him in shock. I'm so shocked that I start laughing. From the depths of my belly type of laughter. I can't believe he's even watched cartoons.

"You watch cartoons?" I ask while still laughing.

"Point of correction. Watched. Past tense. I did have a childhood you know." He says with a smile.

"Of course you did." I smartly reply.

"You asked that in present tense meaning that you still do?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yes." I turn my back to him as I finish off the bed.

"Of course you do." It's his turn to give a smart reply and I immediately turn to him.

"Excuse me sir, what's that supposed to mean? Because that sounded a lot like you wanted to fight to me." I cross my arms and stare at him head on.

"Oh yeah? You want a fight?" He steps forward.

Of course not.

"If you're shaming me then yes." I dare to let out.

"But I wasn't shaming you love." He cheekily responds with a smirk.

"Then what was that?"

"Excuse my tone sweetheart. I didn't mean to sound insulting." He smirks.

"Hmm. That's what I thought." I sassily reply as I head to the bathroom.


I head to the living area after showering and getting dressed in a simple floral sun dress with sandals.

"There you are, darling." Aunt Beatrice greets me.

"Good morning—day." I correct after catching sight of the clock and seeing that it's way past breakfast hours and going to lunch hours.

"Good morning sweetie. How do you feel today? What do you want for breakfast?" She bombards me with questions all while walking me to the kitchen island.

"I feel good. I'm not really hungry right now. I think I'm good." I sit at the island.

"Really? You sure?" She frowns in concern.

"Yeah." I nod with a reassuring smile.

"Okay good. So how was your date yesterday?" She almost whispers as she comes to my side of the counter and sits on the stool besides mine.

"It was really nice." I smile.

"Really? What did you guys do? Do you have pictures?" She inquisitively asks.

"We went on what felt like a forever long hike to me, then we got to a natural pool at the end of the hike and after that Nicholas drove us to a seafood restaurant." I give her a breakdown of our day yesterday. "And for photos, I don't know where my phone is. You should probably ask Nicholas. Or I'll ask him when I see him. Where is he by the way?" I look around as if he'll appear before my eyes suddenly.

"Nick is around here somewhere with his dad. So you had fun huh? You guys came back pretty late and Nicholas carried you in because you were knocked out." She smiles widely.

"Yeah, it was pre—"

"Baby, I leave you for two minutes and manage to trap darling Rose and interrogate her." Uncle Stone's voice cuts me off.

He and Nicholas are coming from the open doors that lead to the outside pool. I finally pay attention to his outfit. He's in a cream short sleeve button down with a matching shorts set. He looks good. Almost too good. Actually, maybe too good.

I notice his eyebrow rise in question and only then do I realize that I've been staring and he's caught me in the act.

His parents talk but I hear nothing as this man walks towards me and places a kiss on my forehead and then cheek before saying, "You look divine, princess." in my ear.

Try as I might to not fold, I fail. Miserably. I literally fold right into his arms as I bury my face in his chest due to me suddenly feeling shy. I think I even giggle.

Kind of pathetic. I know. But this man...

I feel him chuckle as he places his hand on my back and kind of holds me as if we're hugging even though I'm just hiding my face because I'm mortified right now.

Why is he so fine?

"Yeah?" I hear Nicholas say but I don't pull away because being held by him sure does feel good and safe.

"Rosie told me that you have photos from yesterday's date on your phone. May I see them?" Aunt Bea asks.

"Sure." He says as he moves one hand to get his phone probably before handing it over to her.

"What's the plan for today?" He asks as his one hand rubs soothing circles on my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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