Chapter 1

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The small, bloodied demon leaped at its unexpecting victim, who had his back turned to the creature. It aimed for the back of his neck, ready to tear into his flesh. However, before the creature had the chance to reach its opponent, a bolt of light shot at the creature, knocking it out of the air. The divine energy punctured the demon's body, leaving a gaping hole in it and killing the creature instantly. The warrior cut down the creature that he had been fighting, before turning to face the demon that had almost taken his life. He smiled at the cleric who had rescued him. 

"Thanks for having my back, Kaelan," the warrior said to his rescuer.

The young, blond man gave the warrior a smirk. Kaelan closed his spell book, then commented, "If you were paying more attention, then I wouldn't need to protect your ass. What would you do without me, Thomas?"

The warrior, Thomas, gave him a sheepish grin and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I apologize. This is the first demon portal that I've ever entered. I underestimated how many there would be."

"Well, be prepared to enter many more with me. After we close this one, I will be going on my expedition, and I want you to be my warrior." Kaelan took Thomas' hand. If he were to make the journey after this, then he wanted his friend by his side. He needed someone that he could trust with him.

Thomas nodded, squeezing Kaelan's hand gently. "I will be ready to go with you, my friend. I promise to protect you with my life."

Kaelan hoped that he would be ready. His task was important, one that would save their world. Every century, the cleric blessed with the most divine energy was chosen to close the demonic portals that opened and defeat the demon lord. This task couldn't be entrusted to anyone else and if the cleric died during their quest, then the world would be plummeted into darkness. Kaelan could not fail, so he needed a warrior to protect him throughout the journey. He felt bad since he didn't tell Thomas all the details. However, he swore not to tell. There was one important factor that the warrior was not allowed to know until the very end of the journey.

The cleric let his friend go. They still needed to defeat the rest of the demons, and then close the portal with their comrades. The other clerics and warriors that accompanied them fought off the remaining demons. They were winning this battle by a long shot, but this was also one of the lesser portals that had opened. This was to test Kaelan's skills to see if he was ready to go on his expedition. He knew that his mentor's eyes were watching him, so he could not linger for long.

Kaelan pointed at the top of the stairs, where their goal awaited. A small, blood-red crystal floated above a pedestal. "There. I must destroy that, and then this portal will close."

Every demonic portal had some sort of object that was keeping it open. It was the cleric's job to destroy it. The objects were not always this obvious, but this was one of the easier portals. Kaelan knew that he couldn't become arrogant and believe that every portal would be this simple. While he was confident in himself, he knew the challenges that awaited him.

Thomas took Kaelan's hand once again. With a broad smile, he said, "Let's go."

The warrior's enthusiastic nature made Kaelan's heart flutter. Thomas had always been easygoing, friendly, and an overall good person. He may not have been the brightest person, but he had a heart of gold. Kaelan couldn't have asked for a better friend or a better warrior.

Together, they ran up the steps to the pedestal, striking down any of the demons that tried to get in their way. With their bond and strength, nothing would be able to stop them. Thomas was a strong and capable warrior, while Kaelan had powerful divine magic and healing powers. Kaelan felt invincible when Thomas was by his side.

A horde of demons threatened them at the top of the tower. The creatures were prepared to fight and die to protect the crystal. Thomas let go of Kaelan's hand to fight back against the demons, and to allow the cleric to muster up his divine energy to destroy the crystal. Kaelan needed all of the concentration that he could get for this next spell. Thomas cut down every demon that tried to target the cleric. The warrior would not let them pass.

With his book opened in one hand and his staff in the other, Kaelan focused and chanted the spell that would close the portal for good. Every word made his staff glow brighter until he was ready to release the spell at the crystal. The divine light pierced through the crystal, shattering it. Every demon that fought against the warrior stopped attacking. Without the power of the crystal, they were defenseless. The few demons that remained turned and ran away. The portal would close, and destroy everything that was left behind. This part of hell would be closed forever.

Which meant that they needed to escape as quickly as possible. They felt the ground below them begin to shake and the tower threatened to collapse around them. The portal back to the mortal realm was beginning to close. They had about five minutes or so to flee this place.

Thomas looked proud of Kaelan for accomplishing his task. He walked up to his friend, ready to take his hand to lead him out of this hell. But he didn't get far as he reached out to him. Kaelan watched in horror as a blade pierced through Thomas' back and out of his chest. His blood drenched the blade, and a splatter landed on Kaelan's face.

The sword was yanked out of him, and Thomas fell to his knees. He clutched onto the wound in his chest, but that didn't stop the bleeding. Kaelan was quick to kneel beside his friend. He put his hands on Thomas' chest and began to use one of his healing spells, but he didn't get very far when he felt a strong hand grab his long hair and force him up.

The demon was tall, much taller than the average human, but he also looked more human than the other demons. The only thing that set him apart from humans were his horns and the tail that flicked back and forth. The demon man had long black hair and dark skin that was covered in what looked like plenty of tattoos. He had a muscular frame, much different from Kaelan's small one. The demon hoisted Kaelan off of the ground, a smirk on his face as he looked at the cleric.

"So, you're the one destined to fight me. Such a shame. I was expecting someone more fit for the job." The demon's voice was deep and had a hint of sarcasm lacing it.

This demon was none other than the demon lord whom Kaelan was meant to defeat. If he wanted to, the demon lord could kill the cleric here and now. Kaelan knew that he wouldn't be able to stop him. Too many portals were opened, which meant that the demon lord was at his peak power. Kaelan's quest could be over before it even began.

But the demon seemed to have other plans. It was as though he read Kaelan's mind as he said, "Oh, don't worry, little one. I don't plan on killing you here. That wouldn't be very fun for me. We will meet again when you're stronger, and then I will claim your life."

"I'll be the one to kill you, asshole." Kaelan gripped onto the hand that held him by his hair. With as much power as he could muster, Kaelan cast a divine spell to burn the demon's flesh.

The wound barely hurt the demon lord, which made him laugh. "How pathetic."

Then, the demon tossed Kaelan down the steps of the tower, closer to the portal. Kaelan, though sore, attempted to stand on his feet to fight the demon once more. He saw his friend, his warrior, still clinging to life by the demon lord's feet. But Kaelan didn't get the chance to save his friend. A strong hand gripped his arm and began to drag him away. Kaelan glanced behind him to see that it was his mentor, Azai.

"Let me go! I can still save him!" Kaelan tried to pull his arm out of the other man's grasp, but it was to no avail.

"The portal is about to close, Kaelan, and we need you alive. We will find you another warrior," Azai said firmly.

This was a cruel twist of fate that Kaelan could not argue with. No matter the cost, the cleric had to stay alive until the end, unlike the warrior. If the warrior died, then another could replace them. This didn't stop his heart from breaking the further away he got from Thomas. They were inseparable, they were supposed to complete this quest together. Thomas should have been the one returning home in the end to exclaim their victory, not another. Kaelan didn't want another warrior.

Before his mentor pulled him back to the mortal realm, Kaelan glanced back to see Thomas one last time. He wished that he didn't.

The last thing that he saw was the demon lord beheading his best friend. 

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