Chapter 39

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Estelar led Atticus to Faunus as he said he would. Instead of disappearing like Atticus thought he would, the fae surprisingly stayed as he poked his head around the corner. Faunus and Merodach were in a garden, standing side by side. They spoke to each other in hushed whispers, making it hard for Atticus to make out their words. They didn't look like enemies as they conversed together. They looked like brothers up to no good.

Merodach let out a laugh, but he sounded like he was in pain. Upon further inspection, Atticus noticed blood on the pavement. Sometime during the battle against Shale, a fight broke out here as well. Atticus could see more destruction as he looked around. While most of the flowers appeared to be unharmed, he could see patches that had been destroyed. Some of the flowers had blood on them as well.

The two fae who stood together appeared to be wounded, with Merodach taking the brunt of the damage. There was no one else around besides these two men. Even though Shale commanded Merodach not to harm Faunus, his influence only reached so far. The demon could only control so much. He couldn't control the hatred these brothers had for one another.

The pain from his wounds was too much for Merodach to bear as he fell to his knees. Just like demons, the fae wouldn't die from such terrible wounds, but they would need time to recover. While the false king needed time to heal, he should be tried for his crimes. He let a whole kingdom suffer because he was blinded by a demon's power. With Shale gone, Merodach and everyone else involved needed to face the consequences.

Faunus seemed to think the same as he knelt beside his brother. "The battle is over, Merodach, and the demon can't come to save you. I will have you locked up for your crimes, and I'll figure out your punishment. You're my brother, so I'll try to convince the court to give you a less severe punishment."

Merodach laughed at Faunus' words. "You're an idiot if you're going to try to pardon me. If things had continued as they were, then Glenariff Forest would have been consumed by the demon. It was only a matter of time before he destroyed this place, and I would have let him. You would have too if given the chance. You can't pretend as though you're not tired of this never-ending cycle."

"I am tired, but that doesn't mean I will easily give in to a demon. Regardless of how many times this happens, I have a duty to protect my people. I won't stop protecting them even if my will is shattered. If you had any sense of honor, then you would have done the same." Faunus sighed, then stood up. "I will have the guards escort you to your cell and I will have someone else tend to your wounds. We will discuss this more tomorrow."

Despite the pain he was in, Merodach chuckled once more. "I have no intention of being locked away until you decide my fate."

Before Faunus had the chance to stop him, Merodach grabbed his sword that lay beside him. The sword was made of onyx, with its handle decorated in red and orange leaves. A dark mist surrounded the sword when Merodach gripped it in his hand covered in scales. He was quick to strike at his brother, who barely had any time to dodge the attack. Faunus' side was cut, and blood quickly formed from the wound.

"Zelda, heed my call!" Merodach shouted.

His command was met by a dark mist forming in the center of the garden, and then a shadow emerged to transform before their very eyes. The shadow shaped into a horse, but it was no normal horse. The horse was black with a long flowing tail that reached the ground, it had wings, and it also had a single horn sticking out of its head. It was a mix between a unicorn and a pegasus. The creature was by its master's side in an instant.

Merodach, though wounded, quickly climbed onto his steed. They could only watch as Merodach and his horse disappeared with the shadows. Just like Shale, Merodach fled the battle. The false kingdom refused to face the consequences of his actions.

Faunus clutched his bloody side and stood alone in the garden. Things were silent for a moment, before Faunus called out, "You can show yourselves now."

The demon and fae stood unmoving for a moment. They weren't as sneaky as they thought they were. With a sigh, Atticus stepped forward first. There was no point pretending when Faunus already knew they witnessed that exchange. Atticus stopped a few feet away from the king, standing there awkwardly. Estelar shyly stood behind the demon as he clutched onto his arm and poked his head out. He never let go of Atticus as they watched what happened between Faunus and Merodach.

They waited for Faunus to say something first. After what happened, Atticus felt odd requesting help from the forest king. Faunus clearly had much to rebuild after the state Merodach left his kingdom in. The demon didn't know if Faunus could even offer them assistance. They didn't need the help now, but they would in the future. Especially if Shale returned.

The fae king glanced between both men. His eyes lingered on Estelar for a moment. He frowned but didn't say anything about him. Atticus was aware that Faunus didn't trust Estelar. His warning was enough to raise Atticus' suspicions as well. There was still more to the fae's story, but that would have to wait for another day. There were more important matters to attend to.

When Faunus didn't see Kaelan or Atticus with them, he asked with a worried tone, "Are your friends okay?"

Atticus chose not to correct him on his friendship with the cleric and warrior. They were only traveling companions for now, but that was all. He responded, "They're okay. After the battle against Shale, it left the warrior hurt and unable to meet with you at this moment. The cleric stayed behind to tend to his wounds."

"I see. I am glad you all survived, but I'm assuming the demon got away." It wasn't a question. Faunus could sense that no lives were taken on this day.

"Unfortunately. After I wounded him, he fled to his realm. He will one day return, so we're requesting aid and word when he does come back here. We will be more prepared next time, and he won't get away again," Atticus said.

The fae king nodded. "For everything you've done for us so far, you have my word that I will do whatever I can to help you on your quest. While there is nothing to be done about the demon now, is there anything else I can offer you? I would be more than happy to allow your group to stay in the palace for the night. You should rest and rebuild your strength. You're all welcome to stay for as long as you need."

Kaelan and Thaddeus certainly needed the rest after their fight with Shale. Atticus doubted Thaddeus would be ready to travel again for a few days. Since Faunus was offering them shelter, they should take him up on that offer. They could afford to rest for a couple of days before heading out again. There was something else Faunus could offer them as well.

Atticus awkwardly shifted back and forth on his feet. He looked down at his attire and shyly requested, "I-is it possible to also ask for a proper set of clothes? Not just for me, but for the cleric as well. He would definitely appreciate it."

The demon didn't know how Kaelan was able to put up with only wearing Thaddeus' coat for so long. He felt bad for him. After all, Atticus was the reason why Kaelan ended up with no clothes, but the demon didn't want to think about that. It was too embarrassing to think about as he blushed.

Faunus chuckled as he glanced at Atticus' attire. "I don't blame you. I will gladly have something tailored to fit you and the cleric. For now, I will have one of the maids set up rooms for your group."

"Thank you." Atticus couldn't wait to wear proper clothes. Words couldn't express how grateful he was, and it would also be nice to have somewhere to rest for the night. Atticus didn't think he could put up with sleeping in one of the prostitute's chambers again. He barely got any sleep the night before.

Before they could leave the fae king's side, Faunus once again looked at Estelar. He looked at the other fae, but his words were directed at Atticus. "I would choose your companions more wisely. Be careful who you take with you on your journey."

Faunus didn't bother to hide the disdain in his voice as he spoke about Estelar. The fae man didn't say anything or defend himself. Instead, he shrunk behind Atticus. While Estelar was shady, there had to be another reason why Faunus hated this man so much. Atticus wanted to know why, but he didn't dare ask while Estelar was still there. Perhaps he could find out the fae king's reasoning before they left the palace. It was best to know before it was too late. They couldn't allow someone who might be a danger to them to join the group.

The king bid them farewell. He kept his eyes on them as they exited the garden to find their companions once more. 

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